Help my babies !!

image.jpg image.jpg image.jpg image.jpg image.jpg image.jpg What's up stoners, new to the grow world and just looking for some quick help! My plants started to droop after giving some organic fertilizer I'm not sure if it's maybe to much nitrogen, not enough phosphorus, under watering over watering some are healthier than others it just seems like they had a rough night :/ it also has gotten very hot at certain points of day. Attached a couple pics any help is appreciated thanks..


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First off Welcome Moonshine. What Compost/Soil do you have em in? and What Light and setup are you running? more Info you can give, more chance of someone helping you out.. also what kind of Watering regime are you using.. tbh unless they just look small in the Photos I wouldn't be giving them any Nutrients just yet.. just water..but that's just me and basing that on Size more than anything else..

First off Welcome Moonshine. What Compost/Soil do you have em in? and What Light and setup are you running? more Info you can give, more chance of someone helping you out.. also what kind of Watering regime are you using.. tbh unless they just look small in the Photos I wouldn't be giving them any Nutrients just yet.. just water..but that's just me and basing that on Size more than anything else..


I'm running them under a 600watt mh right now in a 4x4x6.5 tent might switch it to hps once they start flowering I'm using a basic organic soil with peat moss and other light ingredients I got from Home Depot. Yeah I think I should wait till their a little stronger and more developed for any more fertilizer was hoping it gave them a quick jolt. I'm usually watering once a day sometimes twice.. if I'm overwatering I don't think it's by much but I feel the same way about under watering also they are in 1.5gallon pots. My whole plan was to keep this grow as simple as possible getting more knowledgable as I grow. Pot power!
Hey, I'd say over watering for sure, when mine are that small I only water every 3 days tops with 1/4 nutes every other watering.

Let them ladies dry out before you water them again, the roots will search out the water and growth will explode my friend bongsmilie
Try using the tip of your little finger and push down into the soil(about between 1st and 2nd knuckle)and at edge of the Pots(so as not to disturb em) IF your finger comes up with specs of dirt(soil) and what not then don't water for a few days..How much per Watering was/are you giving them? 1-200ml? Also.. LoL! Yes I know lots of Questions.. but (a) How Far is your light from tops of plants and what Light Schedule are you following? 24/0 20/4 18/6.. last thing what are your Temps and Humidity like? everyone starts somewhere..

Hey, I'd say over watering for sure, when mine are that small I only water every 3 days tops with 1/4 nutes every other watering.

Let them ladies dry out before you water them again, the roots will search out the water and growth will explode my friend bongsmilie

Ok awesome my friend thanks for the advice ! Makes sense the way I've been watering
No problem, we all have been there, killing with too much love, good luck! And consider setting up a journal, that way when you have problems everyone can see exactly what you have and what you've been doing. You'll have some smoke in no time!
Try using the tip of your little finger and push down into the soil(about between 1st and 2nd knuckle)and at edge of the Pots(so as not to disturb em) IF your finger comes up with specs of dirt(soil) and what not then don't water for a few days..How much per Watering was/are you giving them? 1-200ml? Also.. LoL! Yes I know lots of Questions.. but (a) How Far is your light from tops of plants and what Light Schedule are you following? 24/0 20/4 18/6.. last thing what are your Temps and Humidity like? everyone starts somewhere..

humidity seems to fluctuate a lot honestly .. Generally no hotter than mid 80s with temp but growing outside in garage and heatwave has raised temps close to 90 past few days so I adjusted lighting those few days. I actually had an extra pot with soil so I was using the Eye test as far as how that absorbed soil and watering. I think it definitely over watering cause I've been so concerned about under watering and heat. I just hope the smaller one who looks like it had most stunted growth has some fight left in her. Lights are about 24" away right now and I have an air cooled reflector. You guys are awesome ! Really appreciate the help
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No problem, we all have been there, killing with too much love, good luck! And consider setting up a journal, that way when you have problems everyone can see exactly what you have and what you've been doing. You'll have some smoke in no time!
humidity seems to fluctuate a lot honestly .. Generally no hotter than mid 80s with temp but growing outside in garage and heatwave has raised temps close to 90 past few days so I adjusted lighting those few days. I actually had an extra pot with soil so I was using the Eye test as far as how that absorbed soil and watering. I think it definitely over watering cause I've been so concerned about under watering and heat. I just hope the smaller one who looks like it had most stunted growth has some fight left in her. Lights are about 24" away right now and I have an air cooled reflector. You guys are awesome ! Really appreciate the help

Good Morning guys shut my tent off during day yesterday cause it was around 90 so waited later on to get it light. Just wanted to show you a couple pictures today to still see if you guys think it's over watering, a few look pretty rough .. Thanks guys
hiya Ms16, so they Temps have been sky rocketing in the day for you? You said growing in Garage, is the Tent just sat on the Floor? Also I was thinking could you not run the 600w on a Timer, say 18/6 and set it so comes on at say 8pm till 2pm? keeping Tent warm during the night and cooler during the day, leaving the fans going.. Pictures are very green is that accurate or just the camera..

hiya Ms16, so they Temps have been sky rocketing in the day for you? You said growing in Garage, is the Tent just sat on the Floor? Also I was thinking could you not run the 600w on a Timer, say 18/6 and set it so comes on at say 8pm till 2pm? keeping Tent warm during the night and cooler during the day, leaving the fans going.. Pictures are very green is that accurate or just the camera..


The lighting in tent definitely adds to the green look with camera their not as bright as they seem in picture id say, the surface of tent is directly on top of garage floor yes but theirs also like a thin Mylar spill kit type mat the plants sit in. I can definitely adjust the lighting so it's on during cooler hours but you said not to use timer? I could just set timer to 8pm to 2pm and let her run no?
Nah, I mean Yeah use a Timer and run em at night, Also maybe try put something(between floor if just concrete) and the tent as a means of raising off the Cold Ground? just a thought, hoping they perk up for you.. ..I have issues with my camera on phone, end up using a lens from old pair of sunglasses in front of camera lens to get half decent pictures...

Home depot soil is too hot...for baby's you need solo cups and good low fert's in the soil...after the seed gets going the baby can start using 1/4 strength veg nutes.
The trick is first watering flood the soil,than add water just a small amount every time you see the top of the soil dry out.
My cups do well in the sun and than into the green house.
Nah, I mean Yeah use a Timer and run em at night, Also maybe try put something(between floor if just concrete) and the tent as a means of raising off the Cold Ground? just a thought, hoping they perk up for you.. ..I have issues with my camera on phone, end up using a lens from old pair of sunglasses in front of camera lens to get half decent pictures...

Yeah I'm gonna change the lighting schedule now actually, seems like a good idea for pictures hopefully they'll strengthen up in the next couple of days.
Home depot soil is too hot...for baby's you need solo cups and good low fert's in the soil...after the seed gets going the baby can start using 1/4 strength veg nutes.
The trick is first watering flood the soil,than add water just a small amount every time you see the top of the soil dry out.
My cups do well in the sun and than into the green house.
Your saying the soil from Home Depot retains a lot of heat? I chose to go that route just cause it seemed the easiest for my first grow. As far as solo cups do you just plant them directly into pots with cups once there ready ? Poke a few holes in bottom while germinating then once strong enough right into pots?
No my friend What I think Fandango means that the Soil(Home Depot) contains a Good amount of Added Nutrients, Whereas Seedling Compost is very light in added Nutrients, Also by Giving Fresh Compost/Soil Mixes a good drenching before use(I tend to run 2-3L through mine then have Pots sat in Warm GT for 24hrs) this way I believe is kinder on the Plants, whereby IF you don't/didn't water in the mix 1st..then every time you do water it's causing the Mix to release Nutrients..I also tend to scoop out a fist worth of my Mix and replace with seedling compost so this is what the seedling grows into 1st.

No my friend What I think Fandango means that the Soil(Home Depot) contains a Good amount of Added Nutrients, Whereas Seedling Compost is very light in added Nutrients, Also by Giving Fresh Compost/Soil Mixes a good drenching before use(I tend to run 2-3L through mine then have Pots sat in Warm GT for 24hrs) this way I believe is kinder on the Plants, whereby IF you don't/didn't water in the mix 1st..then every time you do water it's causing the Mix to release Nutrients..I also tend to scoop out a fist worth of my Mix and replace with seedling compost so this is what the seedling grows into 1st.

Ohh Ok gotcha, you guys are really helpful appreciate all the tips unfortunately all the reading and studying up I do on growing is good but nothing beats a "hands on" learning experience lol .. Just have to get better and more knowledgable with each grow
No my friend What I think Fandango means that the Soil(Home Depot) contains a Good amount of Added Nutrients, Whereas Seedling Compost is very light in added Nutrients, Also by Giving Fresh Compost/Soil Mixes a good drenching before use(I tend to run 2-3L through mine then have Pots sat in Warm GT for 24hrs) this way I believe is kinder on the Plants, whereby IF you don't/didn't water in the mix 1st..then every time you do water it's causing the Mix to release Nutrients..I also tend to scoop out a fist worth of my Mix and replace with seedling compost so this is what the seedling grows into 1st.


Well said cc,
Is all about timing as well...I some times plant the seed into a clear plastic cup so I can count down the days it takes until the roots start to swirl around the base of the cup.
Than off this plant goes into a 1 gallon nursery pot.
1 gallon is a good size because than I can plant into anywhere from 3-5-7-15 gallon pots or if you go big like garden boss and doublejj
the sky is the limit here