"Ban gay marriage" says man clad in leather with $400 haircut


Well-Known Member

i think he doth protest too much.
Ban government involvement in marriage. Let the individuals decide for themselves. Problem solved.

Also the dipshit with the $400 haircut has alot of similarity to anyone thinking government recognition / permission for gay marrriage ought to be the threshhold of acceptance. Some people want government to PREVENT gay marriage, some people want government to EMBRACE and bless gay marriage. In both instances people are seeking government to make what should be a decision left to the involved parties. Much irony.
Ban government involvement in marriage. Let the individuals decide for themselves. Problem solved.

Also the dipshit with the $400 haircut has alot of similarity to anyone thinking government recognition / permission for gay marrriage ought to be the threshhold of acceptance. Some people want government to PREVENT gay marriage, some people want government to EMBRACE and bless gay marriage. In both instances people are seeking government to make what should be a decision left to the involved parties. Much irony.
Sorry Rob Roy. You cannot molest children whether they give you permission or not
You don't know the difference between a granted privilege and a right. That's not surprising.

Gay people shouldn't have to seek permission from nanny to legitimize their relationship, nobody should, it's the business of the participants, nobody else.

All they "gained" was the equal requirement to seek permission to marry and divorce from your master the high and mighty state.

Your default position is on your knees with the flaccid cock of the state dangling in your face.

you still don't get what permission actually means, but at least you made sure to make some reference to the child sexual molestation you were a victim of.
You don't know the difference between a granted privilege and a right. That's not surprising.

Gay people shouldn't have to seek permission from nanny to legitimize their relationship, nobody should, it's the business of the participants, nobody else.

All they "gained" was the equal requirement to seek permission to marry and divorce from your master the high and mighty state.

Your default position is on your knees with the flaccid cock of the state dangling in your face.
Fuck that's a good point.