It's time to start farming Hemp... and open up shop

CC Dobbs

Well-Known Member
Soooo, explain, in your own words how hemp would be profitable. Please share current profitable examples so that we can be amazed

c ray

Well-Known Member
there's still a demand for hemp seed in Canada, at least 10,000 acres more needs to be planted to meet current demand.. seed (grain) that meets food grade spec is currently buying for $1.70/lb..
yields are 500-2000+ lbs acre..

c ray

Well-Known Member
1000 acre of hemp will yield around 1,000,000 lbs grain, with a gross worth of about $1.7 million.. sounds fairly lucrative to me..


Well-Known Member
No...not at all..if your intention is to seed tweeds crop...great idea...but if your gonna grow hemp for profit...not a great idea
sadly.. and thankfully.. You're very wrong...but hey.. You're not a farmer. :)

and the JOKE was to start up beside Tweeed


Well-Known Member
I think most of us got the joke .... did it need to be said twice ... I suppose LOL
Well if you were farming hemp I guess you could use pretty much everything eh
Seeds... stock. You would need to source a buyer for the stem/stock
Stuck to be growing near one.... specially down wind

redi jedi

Well-Known Member
sadly.. and thankfully.. You're very wrong...but hey.. You're not a farmer. :)

and the JOKE was to start up beside Tweeed
Im very wrong? Prove it....

There's a whole lot of field around me and there is no hemp growing in any of it.

redi jedi

Well-Known Member
And its not what hemp is worth...its who will buy it. Thats the biggest hurdle regarding hemp...there isnt a large market for it..yet