@hells canyon genetics
You're a good dude.
Apply diatomaceous earth on top. It seals the suckers in and is safe to use on plants and around people. Even safe enough to have around children (or so I read).
It is used in grain silos to keep out pests. People eat the stuff everyday and dont realize it. I heard of farmers using it as a wormer for livestock.Apply diatomaceous earth on top. It seals the suckers in and is safe to use on plants and around people. Even safe enough to have around children (or so I read).
We just said about the same thing, oops!Diatomaceous earth is edible people eat it for all kinds of reasons its also fed to live stock
You kept your cool, good for you!
I didnt start my first post for the first year that I found this website... You should do more reading and less asking retarded questions.and they're debating about it.. I'm just learning and listening.
It is also a good source of silica. How do I know this? I have a library card! bankceeDiatomaceous earth is edible people eat it for all kinds of reasons its also fed to live stock
It is also a good source of silica. How do I know this? I have a library card! bankcee