Critter Control!!


Well-Known Member
I bought some mosquito dunks and I'm curious as to how to apply them? crumbled on the top of soil but at what rate. I have my plants in solo cups. will transplant in a week or two. as soon as these fungus gnats go away. (hopefully)
get rid of these damn things I've been stressing about it..

also I added neem seed.. and read that neem OIL kills certain critters as well. is that the same? will it help cause i have a super soil thats bren sitting for about a month month and half. neem.. derived from same thing I presume. but yeah?
ok if you have dry soil you cant get fungas gnats

use diatomaceous earth and or safers end all catapillar dust with BE

those mosquito dunks are not safe to use on something you are foing to ingest
Also get some yellow sticky fly paper. Obviously it won't kill the larvae but it will help to control them a bit and they're cheap as f*ck. Just don't let that sticky stuff touch your plants at all, instant death to where they touch. I have six of them in my tent, hanging, wrapped around pots...ect
Apply diatomaceous earth on top. It seals the suckers in and is safe to use on plants and around people. Even safe enough to have around children (or so I read).
Apply diatomaceous earth on top. It seals the suckers in and is safe to use on plants and around people. Even safe enough to have around children (or so I read).
It is used in grain silos to keep out pests. People eat the stuff everyday and dont realize it. I heard of farmers using it as a wormer for livestock.
Dude, you dont learn or listen... How much uncooked supersoil did you give you seedlings?

You called people stupid for pointing out that certain rock dust can be radioactive! Not only called them names but provoked a full on name calling contest. I fucking hate you and wish you would find another site to go to. There are atleast 2 other forums. You started a fight with one of the best people in the organic section.... You kept asking for advice, I told you to listen to GreaseMonkeyMann, you called him an idiot instead.
You have no class and probably desserve to buried 6ft under!
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and they're debating about it.. I'm just learning and listening.
I didnt start my first post for the first year that I found this website... You should do more reading and less asking retarded questions.
Do you really want to know how harmful fungus gnats are, or how radioactive rock dust is, fucking google it and read then ask your fucking questions.