Best state to grow in the USA?


  • North Calif/Oregon/Washington

    Votes: 67 53.2%

    Votes: 16 12.7%

    Votes: 28 22.2%
  • No where, move to Canada, Europe, or don't grow

    Votes: 21 16.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Ram Baba

Active Member
What do you think is the best state to grow in ?

Me and my friend thought it would be montana. no one around for miles and miles and nice open fresh land, air , water, earth, sun~!

what s your outlook ?
in terms of over all safety, yield, privacy, conditions, etc. etc.:blsmoke:


Active Member
What do you think is the best state to grow in ?

Me and my friend thought it would be montana. no one around for miles and miles and nice open fresh land, air , water, earth, sun~!

what s your outlook ?
in terms of over all safety, yield, privacy, conditions, etc. etc.:blsmoke:
down south. u have a longer season down south. its easier to grow sativas that take a long time to finish. if u had a secluded enough area u'd be able to make actual trees, as long as it doesnt get to cold in the winter. ive seen some trees 20 feet tall.


Well-Known Member
it tall depends i mean i would love to grow in a super secluded area and just have like 50 plants going but if you want a longer season and more yield....the south would be dope. I personally would love growing in wyoming or nebraska.


Well-Known Member
California Prop 215 you dont loose everything to the Federal Government including your kids for planting a few seeds in your me!!!


Active Member
big island, hawaii.

you can find a place thats very isolated and just crop out not on your property. so many people grow there its crazy. theres a soil shortage thats how much people grow. and year round growing conditions. and its f*cking paradise.


Active Member
Hawaii...yah bra! They got good budz there but unless you local you aint growin!
im here, and the buds are amazing. and EVERYONE grows, from old white ladys to old jamaican dudes, to young asian college students, everyone, not just the locals. people come across patches and leave them least most people. cuz they already got there own so they dont need yours.


Active Member
What about the SouthWest?
Arizona, New Mexico, Texas,Utah, Colorado would be cool.
ya its not bad... except the temps get to 120f out side so you sort have to balance the amount of sun it gets to how hot it will be. you basically have to grow in a shady spot otherwise the sun will burn your plants to a crisp...


New Member
What do you think is the best state to grow in ?

Me and my friend thought it would be montana. no one around for miles and miles and nice open fresh land, air , water, earth, sun~!

what s your outlook ?
in terms of over all safety, yield, privacy, conditions, etc. etc.:blsmoke:
You forgot the south hombre......