Fuck you Fast Buds.

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Ok so my position is that neither the image nor the name should be used.
I'm not sure why anyone would take issue with that position.

I'm not taking issue with your position. I was taking issue with your analogy.

even the name of the strain is in poor taste and offensive. So why are people willing to pay for it to begin with?

As long as it produces fire nobody cares right?

Why is the name offensive? It's a plant. Would you have a problem if somebody named a cultivar of marigold, or daisey "girl scout cookies"?

Honestly I don't care either way. With all the fucked up shit going on in the world this add doesn't even register with me.
I'm not taking issue with your position. I was taking issue with your analogy.

Why is the name offensive? It's a plant. Would you have a problem if somebody named a cultivar of marigold, or daisey "girl scout cookies"?

Honestly I don't care either way. With all the fucked up shit going on in the world this add doesn't even register with me.

When your daughter is part of the organization and sells the real "girl scout cookies"
you may be offended that someone tried to be clever and use an organization geared for kids to sell drugs.

I dunno, maybe I'm the only one who finds it tasteless to name a drug after a kids org and a product they sell.
FWIW I always thought the name was silly.

But the smoke sure is good!

I think sometimes stoners get a bit sensitive over strain names because we worry about looking like druggies (green crack) and slime balls (Girl Scout ghash? By cabin fever lol) when in fact we are totally not that (most of us). A lot of people have done tons of very hard work to legitimize this plant and take negative stereotypes away. Some feel (I personally don't care) it takes steps backwards.

Yet look at the hypocrisy: you can go into a bar and order a sex on the beach, a buttery nipple and a screaming orgasm. But booze is "sophisticated" yes? :) (an no I'm not knocking booze either. The bob gets down. )
When your daughter is part of the organization and sells the real "girl scout cookies"
you may be offended that someone tried to be clever and use an organization geared for kids to sell drugs.

I dunno, maybe I'm the only one who finds it tasteless to name a drug after a kids org and a product they sell.

I could honestly see that point. If I had an actual Girl Scout daughter selling the actual cookies I might be a bit miffed at it.

But then stowandgrows point also hits home. So much insanity happening all over the world it rates pretty low on the care-o-meter.

What about Cecil!? Jk. :)
FWIW I always thought the name was silly.

But the smoke sure is good!

I think sometimes stoners get a bit sensitive over strain names because we worry about looking like druggies (green crack) and slime balls (Girl Scout ghash? By cabin fever lol) when in fact we are totally not that (most of us). A lot of people have done tons of very hard work to legitimize this plant and take negative stereotypes away. Some feel (I personally don't care) it takes steps backwards.

Yet look at the hypocrisy: you can go into a bar and order a sex on the beach, a buttery nipple and a screaming orgasm. But booze is "sophisticated" yes? :) (an no I'm not knocking booze either. The bob gets down. )
Lol jail bait is another cabin fever strain that had me shaking my head...
I bet you get down like a motherfucking bank robbery bob!
When your daughter is part of the organization and sells the real "girl scout cookies"
you may be offended that someone tried to be clever and use an organization geared for kids to sell drugs.

I dunno, maybe I'm the only one who finds it tasteless to name a drug after a kids org and a product they sell.

No worries. You're entitled to your opinion.

I have two daughters (neither are girl scouts), and it wouldn't bother me in the least if they were girl scouts. I guess I just don't look at weed as some evil hard core drug. I view it as a beneficial plant. I have more of a problem with that spice shit that they sell in head shops that is marketed towards kids. That is a dangerous drug. Weed... not so much.
No worries. You're entitled to your opinion.

I have two daughters (neither are girl scouts), and it wouldn't bother me in the least if they were girl scouts. I guess I just don't look at weed as some evil hard core drug. I view it as a beneficial plant. I have more of a problem with that spice shit that they sell in head shops that is marketed towards kids. That is a dangerous drug. Weed... not so much.
@natro.hydro you know it! Uncle bob gets it in fo sho. And jail bait? Lol. Those rapscallions at cabin fever!

I swear. You could call a strain ButtPlug OG and if it had the right genetics it would sell out. Hahahah! Hell in gonna make that strain (gorilla glue x banana OG) seeds coming soon.

And I think spice has set back the MJ movement more than any strain name. That shit is pure poison and I hate that it's associated with cannabis in any way. :(
No doubt weed is beneficial. But that doesn't mean it can be marketed by any means possible. I'm sure some people would be offended if some was named
"9/11 fire" or "Abortionist". Others would think it was funny.

Makes no difference what others grow to me, personally it could be the best weed on earth but I won't grow it for the sole reason it's name is used in a very poor taste.
she was over 18... all legal ...stop cryin
Man if I didnt respect OP and the message of this thread I would totally nominate this as the new 38% thread lol.
Thank you, sir. I know its easy to get sidetracked making jokes about pedos, and autos, but we are getting way off point.
The sexualization of children, and child porn, leads to awful, inhuman things. Like molestation, rape, and murder. I used to work as a therapist, caring for, and legal guardian to, several emotionally disturbed children who had been through such events. Their lives were forever ruined because some adult just had to bust a nut and didn't care about the ramifications. That's not funny in any context.
Has anyone taken a crack at who the boobs belong too?

I think that torso, boobs, abs, tan line is............ Nina Hartley pre-boobjob. in the early days she always had a tan line like that and nice abs. I would almost bet money those are hers a very very long time ago. Anyway, this thread is crazy don't break my balls too hard for this post.
im down with peter griffin ! w/o the meg.
i love it when they ignore her. shit kills me every time.

REAL DEAL ===> NGR running a 20% promo starting today.

& no... they dont carry fastduds gear.
wanted another gs nookie. for the name & the strain !!!!!!!

im moving away from 10 packs.
bro needs 20 to get a nut.
really this all started with the first person to name a strain GSC...imagine if they just called them cookies or cookie dough or cookie fever..we wouldnt be sittin here now wearing out our keyboards...i mean ive never seen controversy over blueberry...been around since BC?...unless of course there is a little girl named blueberrry somewhere?...then all sorts of evil connotations could then be added...
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Damn ...ha.. I never had a problem with the strain name Girl Scout Cookies.
I only had a problem with this ad .
The face looks like a 9 yr. old + Girl Scout uniform + small breasts = obvious intent of the pic is what?
I'm not saying they should be arrested, just that its in bad taste and douchey...so fuck em'!
The strain was named after the actual cookies because of aroma/flavor. So what?
I wasn't offended by the big cartoon camel on billboards selling cigs - it only kills 400k a yr. in the U.S.
But an evil, narcotic, psychedelic drug like....Marijuana! Save the childrennn!
Is it really any worse than comparing cannabis users to terrorism supporters? Or some of the retarded "420" culture t-shirts and memes?

I enjoy women in plaid schoolgirl skirts. Am I predator for that? I know I'm not the only one that likes it.

The worst thing about this company is the autos. There will always be assholes trying to make a buck. When a company can make you actually mad, they win. That's why they do it. For Fucks Sake Donald Trump is a Presidential contender of the most powerful nation in the world by doing exactly that.

They're breeding with ruderalis. They lose for just overall suckage. Seriously why do people grow autos? I live in NE America so I understand a quick outdoor, but indoor? Why would you ever? Is a timer so expensive?
I don't understand how people don't see that both the people who named the strain and the people who posted the ad are both preying upon the same group.

Girl Scouts.

Neither are better than the last.
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