I agree but coir, dwc or hydro are totally different games and need careful attention.
I agree but coir, dwc or hydro are totally different games and need careful attention.
Looks that way from here. What strains are they?Thanks , first time running 600 watts , haven't had any issues . Guess I'm doing something right
I find it so easy to read a plant in soil, soil gives a lot of latitude and you just have to keepNot the way I grew. My hydro setup required little to no attention. Soil on the other hand needs to be looked after every day in my experience. Hydro is SO SO SO much easier, simpler and less work than soil. For me at least.
Looks that way from here. What strains are they?
Papa all your plants are gorgeous but that Dog is fanfuckintastic! your yard must
smell great in late Sept. early Oct.
Prob smell like your nose is up a skunk's arse.thanks man! Yea the dog...shes a fucking beast. Very happy to have her in my garden, and she will definitely be a permanent fixture. Misses and I love the smoke.
As far as smells, As it is, at night we get wafts of cheese and skunk smells with the wind blows thru the windows so i can only imagine what sept will bring.
Looking good Papa. Some huige mofos in there. When and how you thinking of raising the roof? bearing in mind you have netting attached? CAn't wait to see it in full bloom.hello 600-
Hope all is well. Here's a quick video from the garden, enjoy
Who would of thought it snows in the summer this year . Jack Frost is almost done View attachment 3477789 View attachment 3477790
I agree a good soil and they all seem to get what they want. I have to say these 8 plants 5 different strains and they seam to like the organic touchIn my exp a well rounded soil will keep most strains happy, as I guess they tend to take what they need (not root bound and no bottled nutes needed) but that's not to say some strains don't prefer a different diet than others.
... I know, real helpful, I tried lol.