statistically, white lives matter less.

white lives matter less to me than mexicans-meaning latin but just above blacks. asians look like aliens to me and arent on the list

statistically i should have a mexican baby. especially if bitches quit aborting. i dont care what your hubby thinks. he can make you tat his name on yiur ring finger, like my dick cares. oh shit my bad
yea white matters less.

Silly, technically Mexicans are of the white race. They represent an ethnic base, a culture, not a race. The other white if you will.
Exaclty. Not to mention. The whole argument is dumb. Lol.

If.whites died out. The persian, European Russians or Chinese would take control. Then the jews, then the arabs, and the the mexican/hispanics and finally in.last place of world.power and civil.control...the blacks. If any race is gunna rise up and take control i doubt itll be the blacks. Good luck breeding.people out with such a low racial population

And blacks have the same issue as whites...once u mix, the kid does appear black or white.
Exaclty. Not to mention. The whole argument is dumb. Lol.

If.whites died out. The persian, European Russians or Chinese would take control. Then the jews, then the arabs, and the the mexican/hispanics and finally in.last place of world.power and civil.control...the blacks. If any race is gunna rise up and take control i doubt itll be the blacks. Good luck breeding.people out with such a low racial population

And blacks have the same issue as whites...once u mix, the kid does appear black or white.

This is some funny shit, right here.
Question, how do you sort out the ethnic crap given all the pheno variation vs race?

Your plant genetics must be amazing.
This is some funny shit, right here.
Question, how do you sort out the ethnic crap given all the pheno variation vs race?

Your plant genetics must be amazing.

Granted. Not trying to make a point to sorting out groups. More to the point the breeding out a group with more power and wealth isnt as likely when attemped by a group with less resources. The argument was about blacks being worth more ,then to breeding out white people. Which is fine however probably futile if attempted by black people because they arent in as strong of a position to eraticate by breeding.
Sorting out social problems as a function of race is a waste of time.

A simple solution is to focus on behavior. Bag motivation, history and all the other nonsensical justifications people make for deviant behavior.

Focus on response. Simple solution. Apply the thresholds equally to all members of a society and you're done.
In the guise of "civility" we've ignored the obvious.
I agree white matters less, whites are on top of the world why would our lives matter we need to pay attention to those who need the help.. The ones who can't help themselves. We already did the Jews now let's focus on those less fortunate due to a system the whites set up.

For once I agree with you sir bucksalot
i'm jewish though, so suck it.




you seem upset. there is no need to be so upset. not about my trolling at least.

however, there is good reason to be upset about the AZ GOP & tea party trying to bully teachers who push back against their anti-education agenda. silencing those who wish to exercise their freedom of speech is never a good thing, unless we are talking about hate speech. but this is not hate speech they are trying to silence, so good reason to be upset remains.
your life doesn't matter, does it hurt?

that ass whopping Poopy pants the super hero aka bucky took in fawcett city last month has him butt hurt. There were some white people that did come to his aid , but fuck that had to hurt. So I can see how bucky thinks white lives matter less. I am just glad the swelling came down and he will be alright for now.
Unoriginal white guy response. ."IM GOING TO HANG YOU".

I have to admire your persistence. For somebody who obviously lacks a higher education, you make up in determination (I like that about you). What I don't like about you, is that you are a coward ass racist, no different than a racist KKK member, the only difference, you two idiots are racist against different colors of flesh. It would be wise to avoid going toe to toe with me. As I stated before, you are just a racist punk who parrots everything your step daddy (uncle buck) says. Grow a pair of your own, and read a book once in a while. It will do wonders for your wits and self esteem.