What's your favorite grocery store and why?


Well-Known Member
So I have live all over my giant state and I tend to go to the store everyday to buy lunch and dinner for that day. In my area I don't have any of the big grocery stores, like walmart, Albertsons, Kroger or Tom thumbs.

But what I've noticed in the "hood" is groceries are a lot more expensive and don't last as long (especially produce and meat).

I've lived in extremely rich and extremely poor communities. I have to say in the rich communities groceries are cheaper and fresher. Why is this?

I can understand theft can off set grocery cost, but what's the deal with groceries not being fresh?

Well anyways back on the subject.

In my local commute I have several Mexican meat markets, they are the best for fresh cut meat, and the smaller markets have the best deals, like 1.99 per pound of ground beef and like .69 a lb for chicken leg quarters.

But for the best deals I have to drive to a neighborhood walmart.

But recently I retried Aldi's.. When they first opened, I was like "fuck this nasty horse meat shit". But limited to where I can find great food at a low cost Aldi's is looking pretty promising at the moment. And the girls get to sit down at the cash registers! And they start off at like $12 a hour compared to Wal-Mart's $7.75.

Yesterday I went to three markets to find squash, nobody had it but Aldi's. I guess it's out of season. It was wrapped like meat which is a little odd. But what the hell, right , squash is squash.

But my favorite is Albertsons they hire older lady's to run the registers. They remind me of my grandmother, it's like I haven't seen this lady in three months but she remembers me. For that alone, I would prefer to shop there if it was feasible.

I noticed when I went to California they had a lot of Kmart's and sold Liquor in them!?! My state did away with Kmart's when I was a child, at least for the most part.

Sorry about this stupid ass thread, but over the years I am becoming more conscious of what I eat. Kinda

Just wanted to share
why do you like that the girls sit down at the cash registers so you can look down their shirt and up their skirt? I think rays and winco have some good stuff
Safeway, because they kick down a free sandwich after i buy ten of them. Oh, and they kick down gasoline discounts/rewards. Allot of Safeways have a gas station nowadays. Unfortunately the safeway in my small town up in the sticks doesn't, so I have to remember to get gas while in the bigger town, down about 25 min from me so I can use the rewards before they expire. Lame
I do believe that Vons is the Safeway in Southern California, just different name.
Meijer's for most everything but dairy for which I go to Kroger's. I buy most everything on sale or at discount, but being retired I have time to wonder around the stores looking for deals. All of the stores including WalMart are within half mile of each other including the box lumber stores and some mom and pops for fresh fruit. Smaller town, pop about 60K so not a lot of traffic either.
Wegmans motherfuckers



the stores here in Colordo blow..Safeway sucks
There is a Whole Foods kinda by my house. Its one of those organic/gmo stores. They are expensive but I like that they have restaurants inside. There is a burrito shop, sushi shop, a pizza place, a bbq shop and a giant salad/soup/meat bar. But the best part is, you get your food the you buy your beer and you can sit down and eat and drink! They have a bar right in the middle of the store.

So it may be expensive, but if you treat it like a restaurant, it's actually way cheaper and way better food.
The food is cheaper at supermarkets because they can afford to buy in very large quantities, and the turnover of their products is quick, so your food is fresher. At neighborhood shops it's often the opposite, buy in small quantities, slower turnover of products. I like my neighborhood Jewel for 60% of my groceries, Whole Foods for dairy, meat and produce. It's more expensive, but SUCH higher quality. Plus, people give a shit at WF and they hire people that are older than 21 and under 80. Under 21 and over 80 seems to be the only demographic Jewel is interested in hiring, and no one gives a shit there. Have you ever noticed WF clerks always ask you how you're doing and if you found everything okay? Jewel wouldn't dare...
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When i was in tx I bought some rice from a little mexi store and it had bugs in it . Kroger was better. I still have the kroger card and I don't have have a kroger within 200 miles.
So this is a steak dinner for the night and a couple snacks for throughout the week at a local walmart. Including lotion, hair ties for my girls dreads, TP and dog treats.

This was at a neighborhood walmart not a super center.
