Donald Trump Leading The Republicans


Well-Known Member
Trump is gods gift to Democrats.....he is exposing the republicans for what they have become....he will put a democrat in office
I'd agree with you, except my own next door neighbor is a pretty good reality check for me; he's a high school janitor who votes republican, even when they cut school funding, blissfully unaware of the connection to cutting his own economic throat.

With that kind of suicidal stupidity in the electorate, I'm not as confident as you are about the outcome.


Well-Known Member
I used to be a staunch republican, but in all good conscience I haven't been able to vote for a republican for president for decades....
Thirty five years ago, my mother explained the official differences between republican and democrat as they existed then.

The democratic party has since become the republican definition, and the republicans have fallen off the ship of democracy, and are now drowning in the dark sea of corporate owned fascism.



Well-Known Member
I'd agree with you, except my own next door neighbor is a pretty good reality check for me; he's a high school janitor who votes republican, even when they cut school funding, blissfully unaware of the connection to cutting his own economic throat.

With that kind of suicidal stupidity in the electorate, I'm not as confident as you are about the outcome.
Trump 2016's Ross Perot...
edited: for clarity..
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Well-Known Member
It doesn`t matter to
I used to be a staunch republican, but in all good conscience I haven't been able to vote for a republican for president for decades....
It doesn`t matter to me what R or D next to them means, that`s for a select few.


Well-Known Member
He's 2016's Ross Perot...
Ross Perot was an IBM salesman who quit the company and stole some of their best customers.

He had not one shred of political experience in office of any kind before running for president. That makes him much more like Donald Chump than Bernie Sanders.

Sanders is a sitting US Senator, not unlike Barack Obama at the beginning of THAT campaign. I find this a much more accurate comparison.


Well-Known Member
Ross Perot was an IBM salesman who quit the company and stole some of their best customers.

He had not one shred of political experience in office of any kind before running for president. That makes him much more like Donald Chump than Bernie Sanders.

Sanders is a sitting US Senator, not unlike Barack Obama at the beginning of THAT campaign. I find this a much more accurate comparison.
I meant

Darth Vapour

Well-Known Member
Who is the better choice ??? Hillary ?? that trigger happy Dildo is only going to put you into a war that you will get your ass seriously kicked


Well-Known Member
Who is the better choice ??? Hillary ?? that trigger happy Dildo is only going to put you into a war that you will get your ass seriously kicked
I don't agree with this conclusion. She does have a pretty good record as SecState. She's kept us out of more wars than all the republicans in the last thirty years have gotten us into.

...which is a prime reason, among many others, that I do not vote republican.


Well-Known Member
That makes you sheeple, and thus part of the problem.

No, it separates the men from the owned....And yes, they have a problem with getting our attention, as they should. Robotics101.

Even Popeye admits he is who he is.....Denial 101

Owned and operated by,.....Politics 101.............


Well-Known Member
The Republican party has become the party of NO....their message is going to be hard to sell in our more diverse world today. They are out of date...
Oh they say YES to more weapons and especially cost overruns!

The F-35 is OBSOLETE RIGHT NOW, but thanks to republicans, we'll be taxing our children's future to the tune of 1.4 TRILLION DOLLARS for the privilege of rolling them out anyway!

Just to drive the point home; that's the single most expensive defense/military contract IN HUMAN HISTORY.