EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread

A Black Lives Matter activist told the booing crowd they proved they're "white supremacist liberals."
since a question was raised today by our own @TBoneJack (whom i owe all my inspiration to) about 'whether the black community would support an atheist candidate like bernie sanders?'

so i talk spoke to a random black couple (gen x - educated) this afternoon, my town, florida in the us of a.

i asked if:

they knew who bernie sanders was
ever heard of the nordic model
where do you source your news and how often.

I received some very surprising answers.
since a question was raised today by our own @TBoneJack (whom i owe all my inspiration to) about 'whether the black community would support an atheist candidate like bernie sanders?'

so i talk spoke to a random black couple (gen x - educated) this afternoon, my town, florida in the us of a.

i asked if:

they knew who bernie sanders was
ever heard of the nordic model
where do you source your news and how often.

I received some very surprising answers.
If he is the democratic candidate, he will get the vote of the black community.
since a question was raised today by our own @TBoneJack (whom i owe all my inspiration to) about 'whether the black community would support an atheist candidate like bernie sanders?'

so i talk spoke to a random black couple (gen x - educated) this afternoon, my town, florida in the us of a.

i asked if:

they knew who bernie sanders was
ever heard of the nordic model
where do you source your news and how often.

I received some very surprising answers.

Like what answers? Don't tease us...come across with it.