Well-Known Member
Oh look, another Bernie Sandwich thread...
Oh look, another Bernie Sandwich thread...
Not really, once it becomes Hillary Clinton vs Pub booshdag, I might actually just root for the pub to hasten the revolution.Beats the republican knuckle sandwich we've been getting.
Not really, once it becomes Hillary Clinton vs Pub booshdag, I might actually just root for the pub to hasten the revolution.
Wholesale slaughter is not revolution. Sounds more like status quo than revolution.Having seen the face of revolution up close and personal, I'm not interested in hastening it.
I may be naive, but I believe in the ability of the American people to solve their problems without resorting to wholesale slaughter.
I can say that because I live in Colorado and watched a serious effort by republican officials to bundle up a bunch of conservative eastern Colorado counties and secede from the rest of the state! Some of them even got re-elected!
Wholesale slaughter is not revolution. Sounds more like status quo than revolution.
precisely, and how far did it get them (in a 'local' GOP stronghold)?..![]()
I have always considered Hillary to be the epitome of everything wrong with politicians.Elizabeth Warren is far too intelligent to make the Biden Mistake. She knows she'd lose a great deal of influence and credibility if she was to be a vice president, so my gentleman's bet is that she will politely but firmly refuse the offer (we know it will be made) so she can continue the work she's already started.
If she decides to run in 2020 or after, she has my vote.
I used to say that Hillary had my vote, but that was before she came out as a tepid apologist for abusive corporate power. I rather doubt Ms Warren will echo that position.
Then you haven't seen one up close.
I have seen regime change up close. That's not revolution.
I think it is overly optimistic, and while I do think I understand your position, my argument differs from yours semantically. I'm saying that you and I define revolution differently. I'm not longing for a bloodbath.I'm not sure if that's a distinction without a difference.
I don't want a bloodbath, I want people to face up to and solve the problems this country faces.
Like I said, I am perfectly willing to concede that my position may be overly optimistic.
I have seen regime change up close. That's not revolution.
You seem to think I give a fuck about the fact that Bernie Sandwich says cool things. Get your Hillary rhetoric ready for when he endorses her.take another look there AC..while you blinked
you're a smart man..what just happened here?..i so wish i could be a fly on the wall at hillbill's house today..
Bernie Sanders, After Call From Obama, Announces Support for Iran Deal
You seem to think I give a fuck about the fact that Bernie Sandwich says cool things. Get your Hillary rhetoric ready for when he endorses her.
/pats sky's headum, yeaaaaaaaaaah
obama called..to ask bernie..if he would please..?
you betchya!View attachment 3475427
hillbill is a good moderate republican now.