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flushing simple. every fall right before winter what happens? exactly leaves turn yellow and orange and eventullay fall off and die end of season! well it isually rains forever in the fall aswell so thats natures flush. now back at home if you ppm your grow its super easy at the beggining of wk 7 say your last ppm reading was 1000 and your feed water is like mine 90ppm well at the end of week 8 you should be around 100ppm of your run off! now folk swear by flushing agents. lmao have you read one thats non toxic? well the shit disolves npk from your media so do you really think its healthy to smoke ? really water water water fucking water is all you need. and organic folks who say say its organic no need to flush, bullshitunless your 100% veganic dead animal byproducts cant be good lol butif you re-read the top nature flushes why shouldnt you?
Gotta love the long-winded rhetoric soliloquy...
Good shit man.. assuming it's all a big joke...
if you are serious? Umm. well...
Lets see these awesome plants. I find it odd that anyone that starts a conversation like this never posts a picture. Ill show you some plants that didnt get flushed. The smoke is very smooth, the smells are great, its medical grade organic. grow pics 028.jpg grow pics 004.jpggrow pics 007.jpg grow pics 008.jpg
I don't speak troll sorry.
no, but you do speak douche!!
  1. Michigan Medical Marijuana Association
  2. → What makes marijuana medical-grade?

What makes marijuana medical grade?

Medical marijuana refers to the use of the Cannabis plant as a physician-recommended herbal therapy. A quick check of Wikipedia for Medical Cannabis provides an excellent description of medical cannabis, and provides a general history of cannabis as medicine including an immense amount of supporting documentation.

Cannabis as a medicine became common throughout much of the world by the 19th century. It was used as the primary pain reliever until the invention of aspirin. Modern medical and scientific inquiry began with doctors like William Brooke O'Shaughnessy and Moreau de Tours, who used it to treat melancholia and migraines, and as a sleeping aid, analgesic and anticonvulsant.

Cannabidiol, also known as "CBD", is a major constituent of medical cannabis. CBD represents up to 40% of extracts of the medical cannabis plant. Cannabidiol relieves convulsion, inflammation, anxiety, nausea, and inhibits cancer cell growth. Recent studies have shown cannabidiol to be as effective as atypical antipsychotics in treating schizophrenia. In November 2007 it was reported that CBD reduces growth of aggressive human breast cancer cells in vitro and reduces their invasiveness. It thus represents the first non-toxic exogenous agent that can lead to down-regulation of tumor aggressiveness. It is also a neuroprotective antioxidant.

The fact is, all marijuana can be considered medical-grade, meaning it has some therapeutic effect. If you are consuming marijuana to alleviate a medical condition, or the treatment of that condition, you are using marijuana medicinally, hence medical marijuana. Many believe medical marijuana has to be of a minimum potency or that it should be grown organically, but those are strictly personal preferences. Marijuana only needs to be consumed by a person to treat a medical condition to be considered medical marijuana.

Marijuana strength, or potency, is different from strain to strain with lower strengths starting at 2 - 3% THC, and strong strains with a THC potency level of up to 30%. Stronger cannabis does mean less has to be consumed per dose so if the patient smokes, stronger may be better in terms of their overall health. Organically grown marijuana, free of chemicals, fertilizers, pests and their excretions, is also a better treatment option for patients. Purity and lack of contaminants, including molds, chemicals, fertilizers or anything in your grow environment including pests and their excretions, are important considerations that patients must weigh. Lower strength strains can be processed to make a hash or extract to lessen the amount needed per dose and are a very useful way other then smoking to get your medical relief.

If you don't know where it was grown or who grew it, the marijuana you're consuming could be contaminated by anything. Commercial-grade (street) cannabis is often transported across the border in garbage trucks, used hazardous waste containers, and is often coated, wrapped or covered with any number of chemicals to hide the scent from dogs and devices. It has also been reported that some street dealers are adding lead to bags of marijuana so they weighed more. Perhaps the biggest concern for a marijuana consumer is improperly processed marijuana. Marijuana not properly harvested and dried not only adds weight but also molds easily. Contaminants are dangerous enough for healthy people but they can be deadly for the sick.
Lets see these awesome plants. I find it odd that anyone that starts a conversation like this never posts a picture. Ill show you some plants that didnt get flushed. The smoke is very smooth, the smells are great, its medical grade organic. View attachment 3474363 View attachment 3474364View attachment 3474365 View attachment 3474367
Lets see these awesome plants. I find it odd that anyone that starts a conversation like this never posts a picture. Ill show you some plants that didnt get flushed. The smoke is very smooth, the smells are great, its medical grade organic. View attachment 3474363 View attachment 3474364View attachment 3474365 View attachment 3474367
well it does say water only at the bottom thats fluushing really?
  1. Michigan Medical Marijuana Association
  2. → What makes marijuana medical-grade?
What makes marijuana medical grade?

Medical marijuana refers to the use of the Cannabis plant as a physician-recommended herbal therapy. A quick check of Wikipedia for Medical Cannabis provides an excellent description of medical cannabis, and provides a general history of cannabis as medicine including an immense amount of supporting documentation.

Cannabis as a medicine became common throughout much of the world by the 19th century. It was used as the primary pain reliever until the invention of aspirin. Modern medical and scientific inquiry began with doctors like William Brooke O'Shaughnessy and Moreau de Tours, who used it to treat melancholia and migraines, and as a sleeping aid, analgesic and anticonvulsant.

Cannabidiol, also known as "CBD", is a major constituent of medical cannabis. CBD represents up to 40% of extracts of the medical cannabis plant. Cannabidiol relieves convulsion, inflammation, anxiety, nausea, and inhibits cancer cell growth. Recent studies have shown cannabidiol to be as effective as atypical antipsychotics in treating schizophrenia. In November 2007 it was reported that CBD reduces growth of aggressive human breast cancer cells in vitro and reduces their invasiveness. It thus represents the first non-toxic exogenous agent that can lead to down-regulation of tumor aggressiveness. It is also a neuroprotective antioxidant.

The fact is, all marijuana can be considered medical-grade, meaning it has some therapeutic effect. If you are consuming marijuana to alleviate a medical condition, or the treatment of that condition, you are using marijuana medicinally, hence medical marijuana. Many believe medical marijuana has to be of a minimum potency or that it should be grown organically, but those are strictly personal preferences. Marijuana only needs to be consumed by a person to treat a medical condition to be considered medical marijuana.

Marijuana strength, or potency, is different from strain to strain with lower strengths starting at 2 - 3% THC, and strong strains with a THC potency level of up to 30%. Stronger cannabis does mean less has to be consumed per dose so if the patient smokes, stronger may be better in terms of their overall health. Organically grown marijuana, free of chemicals, fertilizers, pests and their excretions, is also a better treatment option for patients. Purity and lack of contaminants, including molds, chemicals, fertilizers or anything in your grow environment including pests and their excretions, are important considerations that patients must weigh. Lower strength strains can be processed to make a hash or extract to lessen the amount needed per dose and are a very useful way other then smoking to get your medical relief.

If you don't know where it was grown or who grew it, the marijuana you're consuming could be contaminated by anything. Commercial-grade (street) cannabis is often transported across the border in garbage trucks, used hazardous waste containers, and is often coated, wrapped or covered with any number of chemicals to hide the scent from dogs and devices. It has also been reported that some street dealers are adding lead to bags of marijuana so they weighed more. Perhaps the biggest concern for a marijuana consumer is improperly processed marijuana. Marijuana not properly harvested and dried not only adds weight but also molds easily. Contaminants are dangerous enough for healthy people but they can be deadly for the sick.
Good medical grade would be free of heavy metals, organic and pesticide free. If its used for medical purposes means its good intentions but it doesn't make it safe nor medical grade. medical grade and for medical use are totally different things.
well it does say water only at the bottom thats fluushing really?
No its not. My soil is a living breathing ecosystem. Little microbes and critters are always eating and pooping and i keep all the beneficial nutrients in the soil not leach them out. I keep the soil moist not saturated this allows certain bacteria and fungi to grow and start the food web.
Good medical grade would be free of heavy metals, organic and pesticide free. If its used for medical purposes means its good intentions but it doesn't make it safe nor medical grade. medical grade and for medical use are totally different things.
oh, so because I didn't grow in organic soil, mine isn't medical grade or for medical use, now that's funny. you and your organic buddies need to come down off your high horses,really.
oh, so because I didn't grow in organic soil, mine isn't medical grade or for medical use, now that's funny. you and your organic buddies need to come down off your high horses,really.
Whats funny to me is you're on a website every day that deals with a topic that you know nothing about. As soon as somebody says something that might get attention you get all but hurt and jealous and start posting shitty memes and trying to challenge them. After you are proven wrong it just turns to insults because all your memes are old and played out. Every day in every thread same ol same ol.
what's funny to me is how wrong you are AGAIN, I pick people out to pick on who THINK they know shit, and they don't{like you} and I use memes to be funny, you are just one of my butthurt victims who still feels my sting.
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