Donald Trump Leading The Republicans


Well-Known Member
Funny story about the sun. Remember how religious degenerates used to think the Earth was the center of the universe and everything orbited the Earth? Then remember science, more specifically, Nicolaus Copernicus, smashed that religious and prehistoric theory?
Is your contention that there was no 'Science' before Nicolaus Copernicus?


What do I owe the pleasure of having two degenerates in one thread?
Like I said. No real knowledge.... Hey you hurt my feelings. Why you calling me names. I said you know it all hahaha how about looking to prove yourself wrong with science since you know it all. That is what a good scientist would do. right? I'll stop now so you don't run.


Well-Known Member
See, it is all about perception. For some reason you think that due to my questions that I somehow believe in Jesus and you immediately attack what you believe to be my religion. Now, is that based in fear or were you just born a dick?

If you talk to a Physicist they can tell you that we have identified the solid matter in the universe and it comes to about 4-6% Which means the matter we cannot identify is over 90% of the universe. What we know of the universe due to science changes every day. To proclaim your beliefs are sound based upon a changing base of knowledge is foolish.

Maybe there is a god, maybe there isnt a god maybe there are infinite gods. The people who are agnostics I can understand. It is the people that claim to be athiests that amuse me. You cling to your beliefs as ardently as the religious people with as much proof. Two sides of the same coin ;]

By the way, where did you get all this evidence? Was it from what people told you and what was written down? What do you call that sometimes?
Remind me where I mentioned "Jesus" in any comments directed at you. I said "imaginary friend in the sky". I care not what or who your god is . Anyone who believes that a deity exists based off the word of man, is a degenerate in my book. You're welcome.


Well-Known Member
Like I said. No real knowledge.... Hey you hurt my feelings. Why you calling me names. I said you know it all hahaha how about looking to prove yourself wrong with science since you know it all. That is what a good scientist would do. right? I'll stop now so you don't run.
I would take your opinion more serious, provided you practiced proper grammar.


Well-Known Member
Remind me where I mentioned "Jesus" in any comments directed at you. I said "imaginary friend in the sky". I care not what or who your god is . Anyone who believes that a deity exists based off the word of man, is a degenerate in my book. You're welcome.
Another series of assumptions. I said Jesus because you put up a desultory picture of Jesus. If you had put up a desultory picture of Mohammed... Nevermind, you probably couldnt conceive of it. Next you ASSUME that I believe in a god. Thirdly, you have insulted me twice on assumptions that are not true.

So, based on our brief conversation I see that you love to make assumptions and quickly base your beliefs on them along with a good bit of anger and fear to push away any thought that you might actually be wrong.... LOL!! Hey man, it is your head. But I havent been trying to sell you religion yet you have repeatedly attacked me. If that isnt an attempt at indoctrination I am not sure what is.

Are you sure your athiest cult does not have you brainwashed?


Well-Known Member
Another series of assumptions. I said Jesus because you put up a desultory picture of Jesus. If you had put up a desultory picture of Mohammed... Nevermind, you probably couldnt conceive of it. Next you ASSUME that I believe in a god. Thirdly, you have insulted me twice on assumptions that are not true.

So, based on our brief conversation I see that you love to make assumptions and quickly base your beliefs on them along with a good bit of anger and fear to push away any thought that you might actually be wrong.... LOL!! Hey man, it is your head. But I havent been trying to sell you religion yet you have repeatedly attacked me. If that isnt an attempt at indoctrination I am not sure what is.

Are you sure your athiest cult does not have you brainwashed?
You are assuming that I assume you believe in a deity. If the shoe fits, wear it.


Well-Known Member
Another series of assumptions. I said Jesus because you put up a desultory picture of Jesus. If you had put up a desultory picture of Mohammed... Nevermind, you probably couldnt conceive of it. Next you ASSUME that I believe in a god. Thirdly, you have insulted me twice on assumptions that are not true.

So, based on our brief conversation I see that you love to make assumptions and quickly base your beliefs on them along with a good bit of anger and fear to push away any thought that you might actually be wrong.... LOL!! Hey man, it is your head. But I havent been trying to sell you religion yet you have repeatedly attacked me. If that isnt an attempt at indoctrination I am not sure what is.

Are you sure your athiest cult does not have you brainwashed?
By the way, that wasn't a picture of Jesus. Why would you assume to know what he looks like? Entertain me, I have a few minutes.


Well-Known Member
Funny story about the sun. Remember how religious degenerates used to think the Earth was the center of the universe and everything orbited the Earth? Then remember science, more specifically, Nicolaus Copernicus, smashed that religious and prehistoric theory?
The sun is natural, and nature has no religion, or science, unlike people and there science, the sun knows when you split the U-235 atom you will get x and not z for a yield. Then Santa Clause hit them with I-129. (and those guys were the best in their field)

Science is like my experiment, test and record results, which you call indoctrination and think youth is not the time to start this.


Well-Known Member
You are assuming that I assume you believe in a deity. If the shoe fits, wear it.
You referred to "my god". That would indicate that you believe that I believe in a god, a singular god and that I believe it is mine. I am not assuming anything.

You have come out and said that you believe unequivocally that there is no god. Now something like that takes true faith.


Well-Known Member
MAybe the government should start underwriting cars and insurance .MAybe take away some of my toys so someone else can enjoy them .To be fair.
no one believes that you are wealthy, sock puppet.

you can give up the fake story already.


I would take your opinion more serious, provided you practiced proper grammar.
Why to make you happy? You always resort to grammer when you have nothing reasonable to say. Who comes to this forum to correct grammer? Only you, why, because all your opinions are trash. You never make any sense or prove how you are right. Here I'll help you. "Grammer". There, that's all you are going to say.


Well-Known Member
You referred to "my god". That would indicate that you believe that I believe in a god, a singular god and that I believe it is mine. I am not assuming anything.

You have come out and said that you believe unequivocally that there is no god. Now something like that takes true faith.
Correction, I stated that based on the data and evidence, that both sides present, and my studies on religion. I am forced to side with atheism. Bring out your data or evidence to convince me otherwise.