Club 600

yea gnats and aphids are very very different things. I have been on this site for years, and am not a newbie by any means. the web is full of miss information, Im just speaking from my experiences fighting root aphids. I did h202 dunks, pytherin dunks, imidchloryid dunks, reset with new clones off the moms, reset with all new plants in the same space, and nothing destroyed them till I have no plants in the house for 3 weeks and bug bombed every 7 days. Even after 2 bug bombs I still saw fliers alive. I certainly don't want someone to unnecessarily chop plants, but I also have been growing long enough to know sometimes nature doesn't care whether or not you want to chop them.

One of the hardest things about Root aphids is they have so many different stages. first ones lay eggs, hatch as larva. The larva then sub adult, then wingless adults. They carry on for a while just raising their numbers and eating away. They make this white sludge to in the soil when they are REALLY enjoying life. They don't start hatching winged root aphids till they are ready to colonize new areas. By that time, they have established themselves quite nicely. I mean, by all means, do the h202 and get some bayer imidchlroyid. I sincerely hope you have better luck then I ever did.
Anyone ever have this issue? I've never had it before. It's new to me. I think k I see it starting on 2 of my other plants as well. I noticed the first sign before I fed last, and in the past few days it's just gotten worse. I'm researching to see what it is. But figured I would ask some experienced folks their input as well. I can't get great pics at the moment. Hopefully what I can provide will suffice. A few brown spots and some messed up looking brown dead shit area on one of the leaves. FFS I miss my clones.


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Yep exactly what @genuity said.

order some seeds, and be religious about preventive measures in the future. IE don't accept new clones, quarantine everything if you must get clones, clean all the time, bleach between flower cycles, etc. To be honest, I think every master grower has to go thru this to learn the force of nature.
Yep exactly what @genuity said.

order some seeds, and be religious about preventive measures in the future. IE don't accept new clones, quarantine everything if you must get clones, clean all the time, bleach between flower cycles, etc. To be honest, I think every master grower has to go thru this to learn the force of nature.

I just went through it,in a bad way...I got very lazy & careless

Both my rooms let me know it too.

Never again.

That sucks man. I thought I had them once and after lots of research and talking to people about it, you need Bayer tree and Shrub. It's systemic so you don't want to use it in flower. A few doses of that should knock the numbers way down. And use sticky cards to catch the flyers. Should do the trick (it's not organic and I don't think you can get rid of them using anything organic). I bet ya picked em up from the hydro store, one of the many perks :p

My definition of "Organic" is a "living soil," which includes the use of some pesticides/synthetics which don't harm soil life and help produce the best results. I'm about 7 days into flower currently. Despite the bugs crawling on my soil, which seem to have gone down in numbers with some spinosad and Bacillus treatment, my plants look more killer than ever

--""@GemuGrows from my experience with root aphids....and I battled them for months....they are the devil. If you have winged flyers, you already lost. get some yellow sticky paper, and after catching one, scope it. They have 2 little "mufflers" on their butts. if you have flyers...I would suggest ordering seeds, killing EVERY plant in the house. Even the damn house plants. Bug bomb. wait a week. bug bomb again. wait another week. if you see any more flyers, and you may, they like to pool up in the corners of the room, in the sink, and the toliet. Bleach and clean every wall in the house, and try to remove every body you can. They have eggs in them that can hatch. They are born pregnant, need no mate, and are born sexually mature. they only produce flyers when they have fully colonized the soil. I really hate to say this man, but i tried everything even imidchloyrid systemic and 15 min rests with pots fully emerged in buckets full of neem and imidchloryid. reset with clones from the grow, they stayed around. Get rid of EVERY inch of soil before bug bombing. EVERYTHING needs bleach if its saved. I started a bonfire and burned every inch of soil and plant matter.""--

I'll definitely make sure my area is clean as hell after this, but like I said to alpha my plants still look better than anything i've ever grown.

I guess its a waiting game with as much control as I can muster O:

I don't have a magnifying glass of any type, which is funny cuz i've been at this for a while; but i'll pick one up soon and confirm what I have 100%.

Plants still look freaking killer though /: I'd be geniuinely surprised if this ends up killing their vigor. Still something i'd rather not deal with
the little white bugs I saw were VERY small, i'm not sure if root aphids are quite that small; my research on that pointed towards springtails.

And the little black flies...still not sure what they are they might be gnats though.

None of these bugs get more than like 8 inches above my soil, where there is really no foliage

I've innoculated the shit out of my soil with 3 myco products (Great white, plant success granular, and Roots Organic Oregonism), as well as a bunch of killer brewed compost teas.

I think my roots are probably the shit right now, i have about 8 weeks left, nothing but green on these massive bushes /:

Hope these bugs don't bring me down

Edit: You guys who have fought this war, do u have any pics of your plants with infestation?

I'll probably throw up some pics tomorrow when lights are on

Edit2: They are bushes in 7 gallon smart pots so theres lots of root mass

I just went through it,in a bad way...I got very lazy & careless

Both my rooms let me know it too.

Never again.

It happens to growers like us. For one most of us have Mrs and kids so that comes first and I know sometime that takes up all my time. Plus work and still trying to have fun time for yourself and all its hard to factor taking care of plants by yourself all the time. I know if this was my job like some people I would be on top of it like no other cus this is what I would do all day everyday. I had a lil bout of the laziness but that wont happen again.
Every bug you spray w 3% h202 will sizzle and foam and die. Lol. Just gotta touch them though. I don't think I've encountered root aphids or at least not a bad infestation. Thrips get bad though and I bed stickies and h202 spraydowns of entire room would knock it back. Did you use spinosad on them during the battle PP?
It happens to growers like us. For one most of us have Mrs and kids so that comes first and I know sometime that takes up all my time. Plus work and still trying to have fun time for yourself and all its hard to factor taking care of plants by yourself all the time. I know if this was my job like some people I would be on top of it like no other cus this is what I would do all day everyday. I had a lil bout of the laziness but that wont happen again.
I time my lights on for flower at my daughters nap and veg comes on at her bedtime.