Attitude seed giveaway and clones to mmmp in need.I


Active Member
I'd like to have a little contest I want to see pretty plant pics I'll chose a couple winners and toss some beans and possibly clones your way I'm an attitude seed bank fan so that's what you'll b getting I have many many strains of fems &autos so post peeps.or if your a newbee I'd love to help you tell me why you need it I also have overages I will b getting rid of free as well mid august multiple strains
Try Craigslist or
Trust me bro there's enough know it all's on here. Stop into the Genesee county compassion club they will know if it's something special or same ole same ole

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Try Craigslist or
Trust me bro there's enough know it all's on here. Stop into the Genesee county compassion club they will know if it's something special or same ole same ole

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It's top shelf bro I been doing this along time are you from flint compassion club is Love to get in with a nice club to help me with distribution of meds or advice an what to do I give away 5 plants in overages a harvest I love to do it but little return might b ok,
I didn't know we could use this site as craigslist to unload overages and clones.........

pretty sneaky wording. but it quacks like a duck, its still a duck.

might wanna read the TOU for this site. unless you one of the select few who get carte blanch privileges.
I didn't know we could use this site as craigslist to unload overages and clones.........

pretty sneaky wording. but it quacks like a duck, its still a duck.

might wanna read the TOU for this site. unless you one of the select few who get carte blanch privileges.
well your right I offer free stuff this ain't a site for rats I said free seeds and clones to mmmp card holders so if it's talks like a rat and walks like a rat piss off I'm a caregiver punk that's means giving Care to those in need free if someone wants to donate to me cool if it's a shop well it's on them maybe you should go into forums for rats and if it don't apply to you then tuck off aye walk and talk like that
It's top shelf bro I been doing this along time are you from flint compassion club is Love to get in with a nice club to help me with distribution of meds or advice an what to do I give away 5 plants in overages a harvest I love to do it but little return might b ok,
Try Craigslist or
Trust me bro there's enough know it all's on here. Stop into the Genesee county compassion club they will know if it's something special or same ole same ole

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Bro I hate these loud mouth people try and help someone out and someone has gotta put there two sense in not knowing Jack about nothing I'll come check you out soon but can you tell me where I said sell or buy cause I'm pretty sure I asked if anyone needed seeds or clones with mmmp hardcard holders from Michigan bottom line not rat from Detroit
Show them pics
As soon as I get out of work I will post pics with card with date on them so I know there legit Ya need some meds cause as I stated I'll b giving away my overages in a legal way of course and legal amount don't want no one calling me a duck lol cause I'm nice and my job pays me well enough to b able to do what I do to help my dad with cancer and others I provide for free meds cause real sick folks comonly don't have a lot of money u feel me bro I do this cause I love to grow and I love to help people I do except donations for overages but not at all required as long as it's for personal medicating not to profit off of so b on around 130 central time I'll post current grow picks and they picks of new strains that just popped
I'll do that as well how About a vid post
Think im gonna make my first seeds this year
I've never made my own yet it's been to east to but beans still have a decent stockpile it is hard to stay within 24 plant guidline when there's so many strains I wanna try I always grow two of each strain so I get a backup of I have a Bad plant a herm,mold just backup