if someone says a 13 year old can consent to sex with an adult

why do you refuse to state that a 13 year old child cannot consent to sex with an adult?

Well the entertainment factor of this place has really gone down the shitter, so for now fucking with you "mental midgets" will have to do.

There seems to be a correlation between racism and pedophilia.
maybe it's inbreeding

So you're telling us that your a "racist" as well? Who would'a guessed.
Well the entertainment factor of this place has really gone down the shitter, so for now fucking with you "mental midgets" will have to do.

So you're telling us that your a "racist" as well? Who would'a guessed.
I know a child of 13 cannot consent to sex with and adult. You refuse to answer the question. This isn't about me. it's about you now and your failure to acknowledge that a child cannot consent to sex.
I know a child of 13 cannot consent to sex with and adult. You refuse to answer the question. This isn't about me. it's about you now and your failure to acknowledge that a child cannot consent to sex.

Correction, it's never been about me; it's about you the dim-witted child molestor who never figured it out.
You do have my permission to explore that link and see if you're indeed in the clear.

Gotta run, thanks for play'n.
Correction, it's never been about me; it's about you the dim-witted child molestor who never figured it out.
You do have my permission to explore that link and see if you're indeed in the clear.

Gotta run, thanks for play'n.
Um yeah sure ok.
you are a legend in your own mind. I'm sure its easier to impress kids with your bullshit.

Only a pedophile thinks children can consent to sex with adults.

I'm accusing him of being a pedophile. Whether he has acted upon this love of child sex, I don't know.

Why do you also argue that children can consent to sex with adults?

That's pretty low, even for you. A discussion about consent or an attempt to have that discussion is where all of this bullshit started and you know it. A person that discusses something, doesn't mean that the same person endorses the thing being discussed.
Your intentions are not to discuss or debate, they are clearly to accuse and malign...pretty fucking' weak.

If a person is capable of consenting to something, how does the nature of (some) acts then make them incapable of consenting ?
He must have tired of defending his indefensible views.

Odd that an "Anarchist", like you claim to be, who is also a government dependent, would want to delve into defending the indefensible.

...Since you mentioned it though...I am not "defending" any action, nor am I endorsing any action, my personal wish is that people honor others wishes and only interact on a CONSENSUAL basis.

That means if a person can't, doesn't, or hasn't, consented to a particular interaction and another party forces them to interact, I would oppose the interaction. You would not. You can't argue that point can you?
racists often tend to say that about me while conveniently overlooking the fact that they think less of an entire race of people based on their skin color.

i just laugh, cici.

and i'm still not sure why you refuse to say that a 13 year old cannot consent to sex with an adult.

In your opinion is it possible for a 13 year old to consent to shitting on a floor or are heinous acts like that only something a person should be, say 17 or older to fully consent to ?
In your opinion is it possible for a 13 year old to consent to shitting on a floor or are heinous acts like that only something a person should be, say 17 or older to fully consent to ?

i'm still not sure why you refuse to say that a 13 year old cannot consent to sex with an adult.
I know a child of 13 cannot consent to sex with and adult. You refuse to answer the question. This isn't about me. it's about you now and your failure to acknowledge that a child cannot consent to sex.

Do you consider your post above as an absolute?

Are you saying that no person 13 years old could ever consent to sex with a person say 18 years old ?

How about a person 15 or 16 years old, could that person consent to sex with a person 18 years old?