Anyone carry a knife daily?

This is what i had Kershaw Vapor III. I lost it the other day and still can't find it, so pissed. Went online to order one they discontinued this model. I'm distraught..same knife I've had for 10+ years..I have another around somewhere..i bought a couple at once..but don't remember where the F i put it..

Sweet! Thanks man! Maybe I'll buy a couple more. I find it's getting harder to find a minimalist, metal frame folder lately, everything's going to composites, which is nice, but i like a little weight in my knives. I found mine yesterday in pile of old boxes i was cutting up..WOOHOO! and i found my spare.

Is this serious? You think less of a man if they don't carry a pocket knife? If I had the laughing face emojis you'd see about 12 of them
It is the area that a person is from. Around here its a common thing. In the country it is a must have. Hunting, fishing, working, cooking.
Where i grew up a boy got his first pocket knife around 8-10, nothing fancy, just enough to teach some responsibility. Mine was an old single blade bone handle folder. Almost all my friends had a pocket knife ON them in school right through 8th grade...this was early 90's. I think a little less of a man who doesn't carry a pocket knife..and fold up key chain knives don't count.
Its still that way around here except taking them to school. Its just a thing to have a pocket knife. I even keep a couple extra in the car for trading around. I'll trade a cheaper knife up a few times and then when I end up with something decent I put it up. I got a couple old steel ammo cans full of pocket knifes.
I made this from a very old chef knife. The blade was longer and wider. It is old high carbon steel. It was a black looking steel. When I worked and cut the blade down and cut a new edge the fresh metal didn't look right. I took a bottle of gun blue and coated the blade. The tip is rounded for skinning. And of course an added gut hook.
I made this from a very old chef knife. The blade was longer and wider. It is old high carbon steel. It was a black looking steel. When I worked and cut the blade down and cut a new edge the fresh metal didn't look right. I took a bottle of gun blue and coated the blade. The tip is rounded for skinning. And of course an added gut hook.
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what a wonderful use of your skills good sir!

I had to laugh when i saw this picture........if he goes thru all that ammo on his belt first, he wont need that wavy bitch!

Good one brother!
I don't know how I didn't think about the little knife that fucked up my back:-(
Here's ours(no retractable for us):
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See the idiots around here, dont use those for the proper purposes! I still adore speeded squares btw...just sayin'. I'm an arborist i work with wood too, just rougher versions than you guys are used to.

DO NOT click that link if you cant handle graphic knife wounds. you have been warned!
View attachment 3470313 View attachment 3470314 It's a tool as far as i'm concerned. I'm a tool as far as i'm concerned. Oh and to appease the hairy palm comment i bring to you the very one inch blade spoke of earlier in the thread, been in my pockets since 1980, when my dad gave it to me.
That was the most imoportant knife you could ever have in the 80's and 90's. Scraping your pipe was very important back than. It was the only way to survive.