Calcium and maganese deficiency?


Hey guys hope you can help me with this. I have a 20 day old auto mazar which I suspect is showing a calcium deficiency, starting with the oldest leaves I noticed brown spots towards the tips which soon turned to yellowing, browning and eventually curling. First photo is the bottom leaves, second the first set of fan leaves.

The suspected maganese deficiency is from a 15 day old tangie, its showing very light green blotches all over the newer growth indiscriminate of veins or tips. Third photo is the tangie.

Both are grown in soil, indoors under hps. Only given water measured at ec 0.0.

Let me know if you need anymore info, cheers.


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Well-Known Member
Hey guys hope you can help me with this. I have a 20 day old auto mazar which I suspect is showing a calcium deficiency, starting with the oldest leaves I noticed brown spots towards the tips which soon turned to yellowing, browning and eventually curling. First photo is the bottom leaves, second the first set of fan leaves.

The suspected maganese deficiency is from a 15 day old tangie, its showing very light green blotches all over the newer growth indiscriminate of veins or tips. Third photo is the tangie.

Both are grown in soil, indoors under hps. Only given water measured at ec 0.0.

Let me know if you need anymore info, cheers.
calcium deficiency actually starts in newer growth rather than the oldest. it occurs where extreme growth is happening because there is no available calcium. once calcium is given to a leaf it pretty much stays there, the plant does not re use it.

the other plant its too hard to tell because it looks like you have them under HPS light and i can't tell the actual color.

what kind of soil are you in? was there any nutrient value to it? please don't say m-gro lol


OK, it hasn't affected growth too much so I shouldn't be overly concerned?
I'll get better pics of the tangie during lights off, growth is stunted.
Their both in canadian xpress max yield, which I'm led to believe is formulated for marijuana, as for watering they get less than 1ltr every 3-4 days, they seem to drain pretty quickly.

Thanks guys


you never fed them anything, they are hungry, do you use distilled water?
The soil has slow release nutes, all my other plants are going good including another tangie. Could this plant just be more hungry then the rest? I'm giving them tap water thats been sitting in the room for a day or two, comes out at Ec0.0 Ph6.5ish.