Anyone carry a knife daily?

I used to till i stabbed this guy.. hes ok btw. And another time i got snitched on, but i got a feeling and left all my shit. Got searched and only busted for an illegal knife.
So fuck that..they didbt charge me with anything though. No drugs and i explained i didnt know double sided knives werent ok, i just got it at this Chinese shop

You can find me holding a threaded beretta 92 shooting subsonic rounds. But thats about it these days. Got rid of all my knives and my sks and ak74. That ak was badass too, swapped all the wood out and fully auto. I really just used those to pop rattlers and cottonmouths. I had a few nice guns, gotta step up from the ak if you wanna fend off or kill a wild boar
4" folding kershaw and a multi tool everyday..well I just lost my Kershaw yesterday..hopefully i can find it..:cry: and if I'm gonna be in a weird situation a double edged boot knife and i have a full kevlar knife for if i need to go thru metal detectors.
Where i grew up a boy got his first pocket knife around 8-10, nothing fancy, just enough to teach some responsibility. Mine was an old single blade bone handle folder. Almost all my friends had a pocket knife ON them in school right through 8th grade...this was early 90's. I think a little less of a man who doesn't carry a pocket knife..and fold up key chain knives don't count.