pheno hunting for this season...

Meander....... :-)
Thats a term viktor schauberger used a lot.
he had a strange deep access to nature too like steiner but in some other fashion. I would also count in nikola tesla who had the same strange access to nature maybe wilhelm reich should be mentioned too.
this persons were a century ahead their time
interesting though DEEP ACCESS to nature i love it. my wife is like this .

tesla lived and worked a half hour from here in the mountains near telluride . coils towers and bending reality were said to be the norm. he used a waterfall here to power a few ideas and helped telluride become onr of the first towns with streetlights ....
interesting though DEEP ACCESS to nature i love it. my wife is like this .

tesla lived and worked a half hour from here in the mountains near telluride . coils towers and bending reality were said to be the norm. he used a waterfall here to power a few ideas and helped telluride become onr of the first towns with streetlights ....
My gf removes every living being even when she is diggin a hole for planting sone flowers :-)

Thats close half an hour from your place....
Tesla was on to give free energy by using waterfalls to every household and the entire industry for free.
imagine the moneymakers, greedy as hell, how they hated him when they heard for free. For free is their biggest nightmare. And at the end they destroyd him
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interesting though DEEP ACCESS to nature i love it. my wife is like this .

tesla lived and worked a half hour from here in the mountains near telluride . coils towers and bending reality were said to be the norm. he used a waterfall here to power a few ideas and helped telluride become onr of the first towns with streetlights ....

Never knew!
interesting though DEEP ACCESS to nature i love it. my wife is like this .

tesla lived and worked a half hour from here in the mountains near telluride . coils towers and bending reality were said to be the norm. he used a waterfall here to power a few ideas and helped telluride become onr of the first towns with streetlights ....
a very cool guy there man.

been shopping fans for the greenhouse any good ones you like on a setup like mine. i plan to run all winter if i can.
interesting though DEEP ACCESS to nature i love it. my wife is like this .

tesla lived and worked a half hour from here in the mountains near telluride . coils towers and bending reality were said to be the norm. he used a waterfall here to power a few ideas and helped telluride become onr of the first towns with streetlights ....
Tesla master of lighting on netflix was a good docu! Showed the fight between edisons D/C and teslas A/C and how tesla died a poor man while a lot of people got rich off his ideas!
a very cool guy there man.

been shopping fans for the greenhouse any good ones you like on a setup like mine. i plan to run all winter if i can.
gotta do the math for that here : the prices kinda suck at that site though so look on CL cuz your in a AG area...
can arm shutter fans are the best but loud . but for loudness sake i might be temped to do 2 8" inlines on each side hooked up to a central thermostat . i do a thrmostat wired to a 15 amp power strip grounded well in case of moisture.
Tesla master of lighting on netflix was a good docu! Showed the fight between edisons D/C and teslas A/C and how tesla died a poor man while a lot of people got rich off his ideas!
Nearly everyrhing that works wireless today is based on tesla- patents. He even was able to transfer energy wireless.
but the wire producing industry would have been totally out of buisness over night if they let him do his thing so they got rid of him the dirty way.
today its not different.... go and build a engine/generator that supplies you with 20 kw of power for free or close to free and you are a dead man by tomorrow as soon as you go public or patenting it.

But thats off sorry joe
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Nearly everyrhing that works wireless today is based on tesla- patents. He even was able to transfer energy wireless.
but the wire producing industry would have been totally out of buisness over night if they let him do his thing so they got rid of him the dirty way.
today its not different.... go and build a engine/generator that supplies you with 20 kw of power for free or close to free and you are a dead man by tomorrow as soon as you go public or patenting it.
A lot of Tesla talk makes me think of this:

He did great things no doubt. But there seems to be this group of people that want to give Tesla the credit for inventing everything we use today. "Tesla did it"

As for the comment about electricity. Go get some wind turbines and some solar panels. I'm sure the government isn't going to kill you in fact they will give you money to do it in the form of tax breaks.

Every single perpetual motion machine has been dis-proven...

It's almost like religious fundamentalism.
A lot of Tesla talk makes me think of this:

He did great things no doubt. But there seems to be this group of people that want to give Tesla the credit for inventing everything we use today. "Tesla did it"

As for the comment about electricity. Go get some wind turbines and some solar panels. I'm sure the government isn't going to kill you in fact they will give you money to do it in the form of tax breaks.

Every single perpetual motion machine has been dis-proven...

It's almost like religious fundamentalism.

we also negect to mention ALOT of mutations occured where he transmitted electricity wirelessly . pluse technology is now used in wepons not good in theroy not in pratice...
i still want the waterfall tech in my home...\
gbudddy is refferring to the water powered car that was squashed by big $$$ oil...

It seems the water powered car was more con-men bullshit claims then reality.

Elon musk is doing big things with "Tesla" cars. An idea that works and isn't bullshit succeeds. When the crack pots idea's don't succeed they blame the government or kill themselves for wasting all their life savings and their family blames the government.

It's funny when the people making unsubstantiated claims think "Everyone is after them" when asked to do so special type of crazy.
[QUOTE="Mr.Head, post: 11794301, member: 636380"

As for the comment about electricity. Go get some wind turbines and some solar panels. I'm sure the government isn't going to kill you in fact they will give you money to do it in the form of tax breaks.


I was not talking about perpetuum mobile....
I was talking about waterturbines.
wind and sun are not present everytime you need it. With todays technology used they are inefficient. Solarpanels could be six times more efficient with a other coating today. But the energy supplying companies dont want you to power six houses in your neighborhood with free electrical energy from just one roof. They would be out of buisness soon.

water flows 365 days a year 24 hours a day and can supply a lot of free or close to free energy. Look at niagara falls canada.
or the big one in southamerica.
I was not talking about fancy porpetuum mobile or zero point energy just water. Nearly every 3 rd car on this planet could be powered by water with lil investment but oilbarons want to sell you oil and they have the power. Now.
but in a few decades maybe a century water is the new oil.
thats why bush sen bought big time land in southamerica look what is under this land ;-) .....water

Btw my roof is full with solarpanels and in winter they suck.

But still off topic I dont want to ruin joes thread. Maybe we should start a thread about that topic :-) but dunno where exactly to post on riu
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Hows your dep doing bro? Kicking ass over here.
My buddy is jealous af that his 12 big girls haven't even started yet. I'll have this chopped, dried and gone while he's still sleeping in a tent :lol:

GG4 Day 18ish

yea boy ! getting a headstart on the croptober flood :) dep plants look good .
but my man i wish my dep was filled with gg#4 damn is that frosty for 18 days ! i will throw up some pics tomarrow right on your thread :)
I am looking forward to the 4 gg4 I have outside. They are about 4 ft x 4ft right now

yea boyz ! i got 2 gg#4 sharing 300 gallons looking about 3 feet tall and 4 ft wide each . not to bad for being a barely rooted water cutting last month... lol....the sour amnisia haze is way bigger for the same age . whe i find my camera i will throw up some pics ...
yea boyz ! i got 2 gg#4 sharing 300 gallons looking about 3 feet tall and 4 ft wide each . not to bad for being a barely rooted water cutting last month... lol....the sour amnisia haze is way bigger for the same age . whe i find my camera i will throw up some pics ...
Right on bro! I lied to and they are more like 5 ft wide. I needed to work my soil more if I want them to grow the way they can. I will have some time after this crop to break it up and amend it more.
Hey Joe!
Was out with my gf and I thought I found equisetum. But it was something else she told me. She saw I was sad after being happy to have it found. So she took me to a place she knew equisetum is growing there and now I have a good amount of it. Sometimes I believe shes a witch.
some we got out with some roots on it and I will take a few plants and try to keep them alive in a pot and then plant it around the house :-)
How much do I use in a gallon of water lets say for 50m2?
Steiners preparation is for an acre thats too strong for me I guess...or do I need to follow exactly steiners reciepy and only spray little...I have no clue.... so what to do next?
Hey Joe!
Was out with my gf and I thought I found equisetum. But it was something else she told me. She saw I was sad after being happy to have it found. So she took me to a place she knew equisetum is growing there and now I have a good amount of it. Sometimes I believe shes a witch.
some we got out with some roots on it and I will take a few plants and try to keep them alive in a pot and then plant it around the house :-)
How much do I use in a gallon of water lets say for 50m2?
Steiners preparation is for an acre thats too strong for me I guess...or do I need to follow exactly steiners reciepy and only spray little...I have no clue.... so what to do next?
i LOVE being around nature people ! it is good for you to have a lady that knows plants . be careful with the equistem it is kinda hard to get rid of . so put it in a area you dont mind that quality of planting .
i use about 4 grams dried per 4 liters water . a gram per liter i guess . just be sure to stir /vortex/ restructure/ potentize the water.