Martin omally apologizes for saying "all lives matter"

or like LGBT who still insists on labels? being 'gay'..why? they now have the equality they've so deserved..why keep the gay?'s like spiking the football.

this is why rightie is upset.
Rightie is upset because rightie is xenophobic. Equality is something that rightie has to suffer, if rightie does at all.

You're saying gay people can't be openly gay? Why do you get to be openly straight?
sorry you feel that way.

i can speak from experience.

when was the last time you lived in a heavily populated black area, buck?

my campus is 90% black, 8% latino and 2% white/other.
What's your point? I've lived in "black" areas all of my life. Lived in DC & attended Howard University. So I speak from a bit of experience as well. I posted this earlier. Would you consider these numbers bullshit? Because this is what the movement is about.
Rightie is upset because rightie is xenophobic. Equality is something that rightie has to suffer, if rightie does at all.

You're saying gay people can't be openly gay? Why do you get to be openly straight?

i think we should just do away with labels in general.

lgbt served its purpose.

i understand people like @TBoneJack don't wish to see; but are wrong not to bake a cake.

as for straight people..what do you tolerate in public? the same for straight, is the same for there a difference?

personally, i don't wish to get up in the morning and see anyone fucking in general public..the general public includes children.

i hope that made sense:eyesmoke:
women do not have equal rights.

i think we should just do away with labels in general.

lgbt served its purpose.

i understand people like @TBoneJack don't wish to see; but are wrong not to bake a cake.

as for straight people..what do you tolerate in public? the same for straight, is the same for there a difference?

personally, i don't wish to get up in the morning and see anyone fucking in general public..the general public includes children.

i hope that made sense:eyesmoke:
You're totally missing the point. It's going so far over your head, I feel it is not worth the trouble to fill you in because your approach is exactly like that of a right wing blow hard who feels oppressed because people who used to be oppressed have made steps toward equality.

You can't understand blacklivesmatter like someone who uses the word "feminazi" can't understand feminism.
You're totally missing the point. It's going so far over your head, I feel it is not worth the trouble to fill you in because your approach is exactly like that of a right wing blow hard who feels oppressed because people who used to be oppressed have made steps toward equality.

You can't understand blacklivesmatter like someone who uses the word "feminazi" can't understand feminism.

i just have a different perspective which is multi-layered (if that explains it better).

i hate to disapoint you AC.
#blacklivesmatter is a such bunch of bullshit by those who wish to perpetuate black/white issues in america.

they are as much to blame for fanning the flames of racial divide as anyone who rides the night in a white sheet.

it's already been said: #alllivesmatter..who the fuck do black people think they are?

i'm dead serious about this..this country is a byproduct of persecution..this is what we all came here for..most being 1900's with WW2 as the boom.

fuck this type of separatist coalition..we're all in it together..we are people..just people:finger:

black people just need to get over it already.

You're absolutely correct Sky.

Ignore the bigots and naysayers here; their black hearts and evil agenda has been on full display for a while now.
you want to be ignored?


But dude, I'm not sure you've got the concept of the "ignore" down. It's your choice, you're in control, you don't need to throw out any warning signals.

On the other hand, you are responding to a message I targeted to Sky. Simply ignoring the message accomplishes the task.
What's going on here?

I know for a fact that there are racists still. Race is still an issue. Was having my breakfast this morning next to two 50-60yr old fat white fucks. They were complaining about the president and talking about maybe getting better treatment if they had black face.

Heard them say knights of columbus too.

Maybe in 30-40 years all those ignorant fucks will be gone. If you are going to dislike someone, dislike them for their actions, not the color of their skin.

I also worked for a 60 something racist sexist bigot when I was saving for my honeymoon. Didn't realize it till a month in. But he only hired whites and attractive females. The most attractive females were up front for customers.

They are out there. Being oppressive and shit. Denying people jobs and just being unpleasant in general.

I imagine most black people can sense when people are being weird around them too. My friend used to point out people staring at him when we would go out.

I have anxiety and think everyone is judging me. Even though I know they aren't. Black people worry about it and know that some people definitely are judging them. That would suck!
Race has nothing to do with crime, t's socioeconomics.l Look at white vs black people living in similar conditions at the same wealth level..crime statistics are almost exactly the same..if you compare inner city poor blacks to suburban wealthy whites....or inner city poor whites to suburban wealthy blacks for that matter.....well ya there will be a huge difference in crime stats.
Is that really true or just an assumption?
Dumbest fucking post of the week goes to...

How's this for value. Ever looked at the capital murder statistics for interracial murders in this country?

White Defendant / Black Victim (31)

Black Defendant / White Victim (294)

Why are white lives more valuable than black lives in the eyes of the justice system? Also, if I commit a crime (No criminal record) and a white guy commits the exact same crime (also no criminal record), my sentence is, on average, twice as long? I could go on all day with this shit, but why complain? My president is black, right?
How does blacks being vastly likelier to murder whites than the other way around imply white lives are more valuable? I'm pretty sure your claim blacks get twice as long a sentence as whites is a lie. Citation needed.
Why then are minorities going to prison at higher rates than white people, for crimes that they both commit at the same rates? Why do minorities receive longer sentencing for crimes a white person would receive little to no time at all for? Why do you choose to ignore these facts?
Claiming they commit crime at the same rate is a blatant lie. Claiming minorities receive longer sentencing is highly suspecious. Once again, citation needed. Why do you choose to promote nonfacts?