AACT, Bloom Tea, Veg Tea, Fungal Tea, Myco Tea, recipes from the outdoor guys.

This is a stupid question but will someone tell me what exactly a catalyst is in terms of compost tea? Food? BSA? Both?
Hey all, I'm just starting teas with dry amendments. I'm wondering on how long to let them soak in my tea to get the most out of my amendments. I just got all the ingredients for subs supersoil and bought it in 25 pound bags so I can make it for a few years. I thought I should try teas with so much extra amendments around. I'm only looking for bloom teas mostly, my soil is good for veg. Any help or ideas is great.
This is a stupid question but will someone tell me what exactly a catalyst is in terms of compost tea? Food? BSA? Both?
A catalyst is something that boost a chemical reaction. I could be wrong but mollases in your tea would act as a catalyst for the microbial life to feed on. Or actually i guess your ACT as a whole works as a catalyst accelerating the life of your soil. @norcalmmj microbial life peaks at arond 36 to 48 hours I believe. As far as a bloom amendment you could add some guano. Like i said before Ive been using boogie brew but my plants are in veg. I will add some high P gauno to my tea when they are in flower probably.
Hey all, I'm just starting teas with dry amendments. I'm wondering on how long to let them soak in my tea to get the most out of my amendments. I just got all the ingredients for subs supersoil and bought it in 25 pound bags so I can make it for a few years. I thought I should try teas with so much extra amendments around. I'm only looking for bloom teas mostly, my soil is good for veg. Any help or ideas is great.
To your standard ewc/molasses tea add soluble seaweed and micronized soft rock phosphate at a rate of 1/2 teaspoon per gallon at the start of the brewing process. This makes a great all-natural bloom booster. I'm actually suprised more people haven't discovered this.
Dragonfly Earth Medicine from Eugene Oregon. Look them up if you are brewing teas. Takes you to the next level
Couldnt agree more. I thought I mentioned them earlier but that must have been a different thread. But there whole thing is accumulating things like nettles and other things In and around there garden to make botanical teas for integrated pest management. They do some pretty interesting stuff over there at dragonfly.
Just saw video with Boogie Brew guy Josh. He recommends Vegan Mix from DTE top dressing and Boogie Brew. Thats it! KISS method. I just got my Boogie Brew this week. So far plants are dancing. The Pure Protein foliar stinks and wife hates but plants are praying. My closet grow is small so I just use tea at full strength.
What's up guys?great thread.I'm having some nitrogen problems with some plants.(oldest shades turning yellow. Pretty quickly)I brewed some up using microbeman's conservative mix rate.(liquid kelp,blackstrap molasses, fish fertilizer,vermicrops earthworm castings)fed them today at pretty strong rate.next time I water should I mix up some grow? (General hydro thrive organic line.4-3-3)these plants arent due to finish until Oct,so I'm trying to fix this asap.last time I used the tea it was a month ago.how often do you guys use ewc? Thanks for any advice
What's up guys?great thread.I'm having some nitrogen problems with some plants.(oldest shades turning yellow. Pretty quickly)I brewed some up using microbeman's conservative mix rate.(liquid kelp,blackstrap molasses, fish fertilizer,vermicrops earthworm castings)fed them today at pretty strong rate.next time I water should I mix up some grow? (General hydro thrive organic line.4-3-3)these plants arent due to finish until Oct,so I'm trying to fix this asap.last time I used the tea it was a month ago.how often do you guys use ewc? Thanks for any advice

just be sure to give them time to respond. if they have that long to go, you dont have to push them. try using some other things in between feedings like aloe vera, coconut water, and SSTs (which aren't necessary if you're using coconut water but they are cheaper in the long run @ <$2lb for stuff like organic popcorn).

fwiw i have a couple in week 3 of flower now that are a little N hungry i believe. my mix is a little N shy in that soil. I just did some fish hydrolysate, and liquid kelp in a bubbler for 12 hrs @ 1tbsp of each in 4 gal. they're praying hard still so i think they're ok. This next watering i'm just giving them boogie brew, EWC, molasses AACT, then aloe, then maybe the fish again. just want to let them sort it out. Have you tried neem cake meal before?? i have some ordered i'm just waiting for. going to topdress a little (little goes a long way from what i read). High in N, and great for the soil/microbes/plant.
My fav tea: EWC, Humboldt honey, dash of kangaroots, bit of maxicrop kelp extract. mix w/ 30 gal R/O at 70F bubble and circulate through old 120micron bag 24-32 hours apply at root zone, look out.

My fav rooting/ germinating fluid: head down to river after early summer rain is best. look for new growth and cut 1/2 -1" willow branches. section into 5" pieces then split. fill large sun tea jar with splits and clean river water. cover w/ cheese cloth and brew as sun tea for 24 hours. I left some for 30 days and germinated cat nip seeds in 4-5 days usually takes 8-24 days to germ these
My fav tea: EWC, Humboldt honey, dash of kangaroots, bit of maxicrop kelp extract. mix w/ 30 gal R/O at 70F bubble and circulate through old 120micron bag 24-32 hours apply at root zone, look out.

My fav rooting/ germinating fluid: head down to river after early summer rain is best. look for new growth and cut 1/2 -1" willow branches. section into 5" pieces then split. fill large sun tea jar with splits and clean river water. cover w/ cheese cloth and brew as sun tea for 24 hours. I left some for 30 days and germinated cat nip seeds in 4-5 days usually takes 8-24 days to germ these
How much kelp extract per gallon?
How much kelp extract per gallon?
like a gram a gallon more if you wish to fix a low "K" issue

I also will put in a shot of high % humate / humic acid like earth juice its kind of redundant with the EWC in there but I find if there is any toxicity among the micros and macros then doing so will increase the CEC of the biomass which tends to buffer it reducing the effects of the overload or deficiency by balancing the %CS K and the %CS H towards most optimum

for instance you want to add kelp extract to your mix because of its beneficial properties However your soil is good for "K" and Kelp extract is very high in K.

now the fix for high "K" is add gypsum or sulfur. which corrects by leaching out excess "K" However your soil is already high in both lime and sulfur and is above most optimum to high in pH. and the leaching process takes both time and excess water.

( say your neighbors lawn is above your garden and you get some run off and he miscorrects a perceived "N: deficiency with iron sulfide and more Nitrogen (although you know its " I " lock is a result of high pH water with loads of Alkaline salts and Cal in it. and he would be way better off sprinkling a combo of peat moss and cotton seed meal over it instead which lowers pH and increases "N" and to put a sediment filter on his irrigation system.) so you've built a corrective biomass barrier and planted fescue on it to reduce the "N" the "I" the "S" and lower pH of the run off.

But I regress

so you dont want to add either as a fix for the high "K" and the only reason you are adding Kelp ext is for its beneficial properties. so you do the only other fix you can and increase the CEC of the biomass in an effort to buffer the high Micros and Macros of "K" "S" and lime . now the lime and sulfur are doing a slow motion battle with each other over pH. and as we know too high a pH will cause neut lock out esp of iron and Mang and also "P" (when it gets over 7.5) so we want to increase the bio availability of these

a humate like earth juice is like mainlining the CEC of the soil it also goes through pumps way better than EWC and also converts quicker.
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This is all very interesting. I was a bit proud of myself for the simple ewc tea I brew.reading this makes me feel a bit overwhelmed.lol.can you guys recommend any books about different teas and brew formulas? I'd like to read up this winter. So I take it you guys brew in order to not have to buy nutes?(and of course it's a superior end product I imagine) also,I did see something about rock dust in brew to help with mildew/mold,you guys agree? It was noted that rock dust may contain a lot of metals,so check on location where rock quarry is.thanks for any info.