seedling disease?


The spot on top is weird and the bottom of the leaf is brown. Feminized white widow. I believe it had some permits on top when coming up. Never seen this before this was my only good seed20150729_062032.jpg

Update * that whole leaf is now dead. It never had a chance nothing was done different I'm thinking this is genetic? It almost looks slimey now. Will post note pics when phone charges up
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Anyone? The seedling is now dying. Starting to slump the other is starting to die. I had faith in the true leaves coming and fixing it but it seems there is no hope. I cut the spot off. Hopefully the morning will have better news. No one has ever seen this?
Anyone? All the other seedlings planted exact same way are doing fine.. climate is good. Water is good. This was the seed. Something in it or on it..
And that white spot is part of the leaf. In the leaf. Not a bump or anything. The leaf was very hard. Brown on the bottom (which was the top when it was popping through the coco)


Well-Known Member
Yea.. over water for sure. Luckily the area that I live in put just enough chlorine in the water to help. Another thing that helps if your using a small shallow container is water from the side and let the water soak upwards. If your soil doesn't want to soak upwards you can mix in some long strand coco at a 1 coco to 3 soil.


I had just added about 5 ounces when that photo was taken. The medium doesn't hold water at all. That spot on the leaf isn't from over watering I have done several this way and all we're a success. This is genetics or something :( thanks for all the input but it popped up healthy and that spot killed it


This is another seedling I have from bag seeds. And it's in peat not coco and watered the same. I wish I had a better photo of the seedling. That spot is internal. It was something with the seed or something it seems genetic. Any help? I put a cup over seedling after cutting the bad leaf off. Hopefully it pulls through.20150730_084857.png


Screenshot_2015-07-30-08-53-22.png Zoomed in. Will post a pic of the seedling tonight when the lights come on. It had a large water drop on the spot where I cut the leaf off. I believe it is water. Whatever the white spot is it seemed set when killing the leaf. Hope this is not more disease or whatever seeping out


Well-Known Member
Maybe a drop of something landed on her that she didn't agree you mix nutes close by


Well-Known Member
unnamed (2).jpg What "mollymcgrammar"said, easily found at your local super market/chemist. Try get the 6% one, if not 3% will work.:bigjoint:


Lol that is pure common sense :cool:
There are several types of peroxide I needed to know if I needed the 3% or something stronger like what is sold in hydro shops I would appreciate it if you kept your criticism to a minimum as it is a waste of my valuable time. Thanks.