Well-Known Member
Many thanks for your reply. I really believe the Maui wasn't a good subject, it was as stable as a plant could get. But I do believe your comments on small particles has a lot to do with keeping the plant healthy, with my setup it only took a few hrs to get close to 100ppm, so I'm sure the particle size was larger. I'm going to space my electrodes a little further apart, and clean more frequently. I'll also reduce the amount of spray per application but increase the number of applications. It will most likely be 2016 before I try again. Thanks again for your post.
No problem. Remember, you don't need more than 20-25ppm CS for a full reversal, and the benefit of staying so low, is that you probably won't burn the plant as much, if at all. After being strained, your solution should look like regular drinking water, until you shine a bright light through it. As long as you start when you notice preflowers, the entire branch (or plant if you sprayed the whole thing) should grow with only male pollen sacs. If you start too late, when the flowering hormones are already in full gear, it can be much harder to get a good reversal, if you are able to get one at all.
Your Maui strain is a photoperiod, yes? If so, you should grow some clones of it, or take clones of a plant you already have growing from that strain, and as soon as they are rooted, start spraying them with CS. If you do that for about a week, before putting them on a flowering light schedule, and continuing spraying until male flowers form, the plant should definitely reverse for you. If not, it really is a hardy, stubborn, monster of a female, and should definitely be kept around and bred with.
Also. in terms of pollen production... You might not get a ton of pollen falling from each flower. Sometimes, you'll have to pick out the stamens with your fingers or tweezers, and then hit them with something like your nail, or a credit card edge, on a glass surface, to cause the pollen to come out. You don't need very much viable pollen, to get a bunch of seeds.