I don't think an ob/gyn will give you a mm card...:)
He's a D.O., a little different from an M.D. Just got back, and we had ourselves a LOO-ONNG talk (I really love this doc). He said he doesn't want to risk his license, but asked me to help him get more information and that he would look into helping me get my card. :D
Someone will have to fix this mess Bush has left us in, and i question the ability of both canidates. I think i will vote Abama he seems a little more progressive and open to diffrent idea. Mccain is just another old politician who really just gives me the creeps?
wrinkley old white dude...
I got yer wrinkley old white dude you whippersnapper!

Try this 70-year-old on for size ...


Well if he sucked as a Governor, did you all think he was going to be Mr. Morality in the white house, no offense but I think that is why Texas, Ohio, and few other states are having really bad natural disasters in your states because you all new he was useless but you all put his ass in the white house anyway. Karmas a bitch, then you are left homeless, lifeless, and penniless. That goes for Missour too are those levee broke for a reason. He didn't do a damn thing when the people of New Orlean's levee broke and all those people died, then the Pastor Hagee said God was doing a cleansing, well I guess God doesn't show partiality because Tornadoes hit Kansas, Iowa, Indiana, and then Texas had big tornadoes as well as sink holes. Missouri, Missippi, and all the states that The Great Mississippi and the Missouri runs through was killing people and destroying their homes I don't know sounds like Karma to me. What you do to someone on Monday, Karma will be knocking on your door Thursday for pay back.

YouTube - HAARP

YouTube - HAARP - Nature Modification Weapon

YouTube - HR 2977 - Chemtrails, HAARP.

YouTube - AMERICA BEHIND WORLD WAR 3 RUSSIA and GEORGIA at WAR 8-11-08 (I don't advocate moving to the EU, but instead join a local militia and fight the rogue USA gov't)

The REVOLUTION has begun!


No you aren't missing much maybe you and your party can come up with another double standard that works in your favor that's what the conservatives are good at!!!
I'll keep it short cuz i'm buzzed.

McCain ---> Equality of Opportunity ---> Freedom & Prosperity

Obama --> Equality of Results ---> Loss of Freedom & Prosperity

Pretty simple really. buzzzzzzz...

Oh yah, and Obama is AGAINST WEED!!!

I'll keep it short cuz i'm buzzed.

McCain ---> Equality of Opportunity ---> Freedom & Prosperity

Obama --> Equality of Results ---> Loss of Freedom & Prosperity

Pretty simple really. buzzzzzzz...

Oh yah, and Obama is AGAINST WEED!!!


... you dont know what your talking about... oboma used to smoke weed and is for making medical marijuana legal on a federal level..

mccain is the one thats against weed and completly ignorant about it

do some research before you post
I'll keep it short cuz i'm buzzed.

McCain ---> Equality of Opportunity ---> Freedom & Prosperity

Obama --> Equality of Results ---> Loss of Freedom & Prosperity

Pretty simple really. buzzzzzzz...

Oh yah, and Obama is AGAINST WEED!!!


o yea im sure mccane is all about the weed?
... you dont know what your talking about... oboma used to smoke weed and is for making medical marijuana legal on a federal level..mccain is the one thats against weed and completly ignorant about itdo some research before you post

So you are going to vote for a candidate entirely on his/her stand on legalizing marijuana? If so, you deserve the slavery you are buying into,

Vi he is wrong about Obama's position of Marijuana.
So what you are saying is if a person is erroneous in their post, it makes a person a voice of reason?

Please clearify this.