Clone only strains

Like I said in this thread, and In a few other threads in the last couple years I've been on this board, this shit is driving me nuts, i've been dealing with it for YEARS.
No one knew shit. There was zero chatter about it online. ZERO!
I got home today and started googling it. And wow! Starting around last year it seems, more and more people are finally discussing their experience with this fucked up shit called DUD.
I got some reading to do. Hopefully someone figured it out by now.
A few of the strains that turned dud on me over the years:
Bluedream cuts from Harborside Oakland(dudd from the get go). Deadhead OG from HarborsideOak(after a year or two). One of our keeper wifi's(after about 2.5 yrs from seed). And now this GG4 is starting:-( I picked up this gg4 from Elemental Wellness in San Jose last year, around world series time. Healthy as shit up until a couple months ago.

I grow allot of strains. I'm constantly stressing out that this shit will pop up again and take out a strain I love. Fucking shit sucks bad. At least there's some chatter about it now:-)

Oh yeah, I've been growing indoor more than 20 yrs(indoor), and it was with club clones that I first saw this. I'm pretty sure it started with the BD clones years back. I think.

If I wasn't researching strains I would've never known what a dud is. Was checking that SourDubb out and many of the people who grow it including the person who found it went through the same problem. They all were saying that they didn't know what caused it. I don't know what would cause that to be honest. Somebody posted it was stem nematodes here but none of those people reported that so this is a mystery to me. Whatever you find out let me know

chitosan oligosaccharide lactate will save them

this is what MIGHT be the cause . and the answer LOOK up chitosan oligosaccharide lactate. and you foliar with it . i bought big time extrminator enzyme and thats whats in it . i was tild use it AFTER week 4 flower and in veg , before week 4 it promotes early ripening (sencenence)
i found stem gall mites on my cut of blue dream 3 years ago an it was a BITCH to get rid of them but stem nemetoads really HARD to see...
Thanks for the info yall, hopefully me and aero can get it sorted out. It sucks having to throw away bud heavy buds because they smell like wheat lol

The dud thing is so noticeable that my gf was in my flower room last night and she says "ew wtf are those buds, you gonna throw that out or something" lmao she said she only noticed because there was literally no resin
Oooohhhh mah gawd..... Sooooo jealous, i need some real-deal OG in my life!!!! Had SFV in my life for all of 2 weeks, cut didnt root - poooofff- just like that... She was gone :(