any thoughts on yield?


Active Member
Ive had these vegging in 1- 1 1/2 gallon pots for 45-55 days in 8 hours of direct sunlight. Just transplanted all into 3 gallon buckets.( pic was taken 2 days ago before transplant) They should hopefully be flowering within the next few weeks.this is my first grow and i was just wondering if anyone saw any of these plants as having the potential to yield 3-4 oz. Any input would be awesome


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Id be happy with 1-2 zips each. Too many factors really to tell. What soil, fertilizer, ect. Looking good for a first run tho keep em green!
Thanks alot man.Im using jiffy seed starter with epsoma plant tone added to the mix. Will just use some regular old ferts for flower. ( probably something like miracle grow bloom..i know it sucks) figuring theyll finish around 4 feet. Seems big for just a zip but then again this is my first grow.
I'd say wait for a better response from someone more knowledgeable but an accurate answer isn't likely to come. Just keep em green and hope for the best. Gauge your yield next year off of this years results. That's what I had to learn because that question will never accurately be answered over a computer screen. Definitely had to learn patience lol. Good choice on espoma ferts tho. Solid fert for the price. If your looking for better tasting/smelling pot then use the tomato tone through flower rather than mg. mg will get you a better yield tho IMO. I'm high and rambling now tho lol good luck man!
Lol a half pound? Theres 16 plants that are all about 2 feet tall and still vegging..thats a half oz a plant. Ive seen new growers get a half oz from a plant that wasnt as big as my dick
you should get about two and if lucky, three oz per...could be more or could be less...kinda late to transplant... and being in the ground would be better, please let us know at harvest what you get...OK?