Well-Known Member
I personally don't think any lives matter all that much. But until the gov't starts treating everyone equally, giving the same worth to minorities. It's not about what citizens are doing to citizens, yes there's a problem there. You can't start fixing those issues until the institutions whose job it is to work toward solutions begin to acknowledge and treat the people affected with the same respect they would afford to a white community.
Where is it you feel that government is not giving the same treatment to minorities? I honestly believe that government is giving much better treatment to minorities through special business priorities to minorites and women, college opportunities offered only to minorities and women, etc.
So, which institutions are you referring to?
When the government stops telling minorities that they are oppressed and does not choose to wallow in guilt for slavery that no living person is responsible for and educational systems are designed to promote self acheivement and creativity rather than putting out an endless amount of drones fit for factory labor we will be much better off.
The problem is that government is creating exactly what it wants to. An uneducated workforce that needs entitlements simply to survive. That kind of group is easily manipulated and controlled.
My grandparents were born in Ireland as were there parents and parents before them. Technically, we were not even on American soil when slavery was occuring here. Yet, somehow I am a beneficiary of all this white privilege and an oppressor and blah blah blah... When does it end? Who's unborn children will finally not be tagged as racist slave owners? How many hundreds of years are required to pass before we can quit all this blame shit?
Until people stop allowing government to give them scapegoats to excuse their own lack of ambition, ability and self achievement then we are not going anywhere but to point fingers at the other guy with the aid of the complacent government.