Canna using tips PLEASE


Im new at growing my own meds I grow outside in 5 gallon buckets using fox farms soil,I used canna Vega 15ml to 1 gallon of water 2xs a day my girls are all flowering I now have canna flora,im using 15ml per gallon of water 2xs a day I just realized (because ive never done this)that my flowers.may be full of nutes,and I may not be able to use them?I really dont know what im doing please help me thank you all in advance


Active Member
Im new at growing my own meds I grow outside in 5 gallon buckets using fox farms soil,I used canna Vega 15ml to 1 gallon of water 2xs a day my girls are all flowering I now have canna flora,im using 15ml per gallon of water 2xs a day I just realized (because ive never done this)that my flowers.may be full of nutes,and I may not be able to use them?I really dont know what im doing please help me thank you all in advance
The "flush or not to flush" the nutes out question is a war starter around here. I'm not one of those people though. There's a lot of argument on both sides but no they won't be unusable. Some people say non flushed bud can taste harsh and chemical like, some say it's all in how you cure it. I think the biggest mistake in flushing is starting too soon. The last couple of weeks your buds will put on a lot of weight. If you stop the nutes during that period you hurt your yield. My advice is wait until they are fully ready to harvest then stop giving nutes for 2-3 days while still giving plain water. Kind of a mini flush. The curing process is crazy important though, maybe the most important so do some serious research between now and harvest to get that shit right or your bud will suck.


Active Member
And you might be over watering a bit... Make sure they dry out real nice before watering. Over watering will stunt your growth big time. Use the weight of your pot to decide not if the top of your dirt is dry. Water them fully with a good 10-20% run off then pick up the pot. It will be heavy. When it's crazy light water again and not before


Thank you very much!!in your opinion should I just use nutes 1x a week that is all I was looking for is a little information I really appreciate your help thank you I already have started the research on it and ive bought ed rosenthals growers handbook thank you


Active Member
How often you feed is really dependent on the nute line, strain you're growing and lots of other factors. Let the plants tell you how much. If you see spots or fading in the leaves do more. Burnt tips do less... Good luck and happy growing!


Yes you are right its upsetting that this a chat site for help and people treat you that way thank you man your a awesome individual and I really appreciate all of your knowledge and help hipe you have a great grow man thank you very much my faith is restored in cool people helping one another thanks


Active Member
Anytime! I know you have your book but grow weed easy is a great simple source of good info as well.


Active Member
Im going to check that out this book is really advanced for students at oaksterdam it gets a little confusing thank you
Yeah that website is nice, really helped me out when I started. Not a forum just tutorials and walk throughs. Not everything is perfect but the 2 peeps that run it are successful growers... And results count! Good info here too, just have to get the right people to get involved. It can be hard to sort through but don't give up!