
So I got some super silver haze seeds from Mr.nice and I am germinating one seed I started it in a shot glass let it sit over night the seed sat for about 16 hours in water before it sank I took it out put it in paper towel and its been there for about 4 days and still nothing but the seed changed color it was a tan green color now its all dark brown is this normal

Final Phase

Well-Known Member
That doesn't sound good with the seed color change. Make sure the seeds in germination are kept warm - not cold or hot. When I can't find a warm spot I put them in a baggy and wear them on my back under my shirt. The seeds need to be moist - not soaking wet in the paper towel part. Most healthy seeds pop in 24 to 48 hours...


Well-Known Member
yeah I've had that happen a few times,come to think of was a Mr Nice strain.I usually toss them and try another seed.


Well-Known Member
I just drop my seeds in water until they pop. I don't even bother with paper towels. My germination rate using this method is hovering at about 100%, meaning that it's NEVER not worked for me.