Is resin really the plants natural sun block


Well-Known Member
I was reading the book "invisible marijuana" and he was talking about treetop grows. he stated that cause the plants are closer to the sun then on the ground. the plant will produce more resin to protect themselves from the rays.
Mr.X GodBless


Well-Known Member
While its true that better light makes for bigger badder buds, its my understanding that trichomes are the female plants way of helping the males pollen stick to them, though i could be wrong on this one.

Orange Shovel CAGrower

Well-Known Member
zeus is correct. resin is for catching pollen. it has a few other uses but that is the main reason it is created. this hypothesis is proven wrong simply from indoor grows. there still is resin on the plants though theres no UV rays, so how could it be possible?


Well-Known Member
seeing as how the sun is 93 million miles from earth, I can take an educated guess to say +/- 100ft or so would make no difference.


Well-Known Member
ya i geusse so. i dont think it makes more resin up there just flows more? at the end of my flowering i put my plants in 72 hours dark to produce more resin, no light or heat.


Well-Known Member
I also thought it was for catching pollen. They say sensimila has more resin content cause the female produces more to try to catch more pollen.

Orange SHovel. Your MH do produce a slight amount of UVA, UVB rays. If you where to add a UV lamp, have both HPS,MH when flowering you will see a considerable amount of more resin then with out it.

TMB, 100 feet might not sound like a lot. I'm in FL 6 feet above sea level. That extra 100 feet, believ me makes a dif., the sun is so intense here.

Back to it being sunblock. I'll quote what he said. "THC is the cannabis plant's sunblock. So the more ultraviolet rays the plant receives, the more punch it will pack. Where would you expect to get a worse sunburn, on top of a tree or under grow lamps? I have conducted extensive experiments in hash and hash oil refining and have found that the THC oil content in my plants is 15% higher than hydroponically grow cannabis commonly sold on the streets."

In that chapter he, is comparing his methods of growing compared to hydro in doors.
Mr.X God Bless


Well-Known Member
i dont think it makes any difference putting it in a tree or putting it in an open are that gets just as much sun.. Ummm as far as i knew pollen still flys around everywhere not just in trees. Ive heard of this just to hide them from other people not form growing good weed gl....


Well-Known Member
i think one of the main reason for resin is to help spread seed. if you've ever seeded a plant outside and let it fully finish you would know why. by the time the plant is done and the seeds are ripe the resin is very sticky. it becomes somewhat "dryer". almost like thick grease. when the seed pods are lightly touched they fall right off with the resin coated shell intact. these stick to fur bearing animals. as the animal travels the gooey skin works itself open and the seed falls out. :)

Orange Shovel CAGrower

Well-Known Member
yeah i was thinking that fdd, but that cant be the only reason. why would the plant produce thc? the sticky stuff isnt the thc im pretty sure, its just secretions from some gland in the resin head.


Well-Known Member
mabee there is something to fdd`s staement. i googled it and this is the closest i came up with.

People who grew cannabis for personal pleasure simply snipped some leaves whenever the desire moved them. In countries such as Nepal where cannabis became part of the agricultural economy, the resin was gathered more systematically but in a less sanitary fashion: after the female plants were ripe with their sticky coverings, workers were hired to run naked through the cannabis fields. As they brushed against the plants, a certain amount of resin would adhere to their bodies. At the end of each run they would scrape the sticky resin from their bodies and start again. Since cannabis resin and water do not mix very well, the perspiration from their sweating bodies were shaped into bricks and readied for market. Buyers were rarely finicky about anything other than how pleasurable was the intoxication they felt when they consumed their purchase.


Well-Known Member
I am sure there is more than one reason for the plant to produce its trichomes... the obvious would be to help catch pollen.. the other two i THINK are to defend from smaller insects (cbn cbd mess with their inner systems) and also to catch energy from the lights.. i could see the trichome acting as a small small magnifying glass feeding the ball mostly with light energy and magnifying the rest of the leafs surface... but thats just my theory...


Active Member
The only thing I've ever heard or read, was that resin protects the surface of the leaves, by way of sessile glands and the heads of the trichs coming loose, both spreading a little on the surface of wherever they are. Read that in "The Cultivators Handbook of Marijuana" by Bill Drake, back when it first came out many moons ago. (He also sent me some psychoactive tobacco seeds, which in this state is illegal to grow also.) Then again I'm an old fart, and really can't say for sure why resin is there. Just glad that it is.:peace: