DEFOLIATION . . . . a hands on approach!

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Inbox me ur number ill get this other dude number and we can call you. Than you can stop with your delusions. Idk why he posts in here fckin ask him. Ur a fuckin clown. Where u live at u live on east coast?
I'm just a clown, WHY do you care what I think?

Hey someone stole handle inbox me ur number we gonna hit this dude up when he send me his line and put this to bed. Than he can come back on here and admit he was wrong and we can keep things going back to what the purpose of this thread was for how bout that
Hey someone stole handle inbox me ur number we gonna hit this dude up when he send me his line and put this to bed. Than he can come back on here and admit he was wrong and we can keep things going back to what the purpose of this thread was for how bout that
download (3).jpg

This dude giving me a dumb ass number to a fckin song from the 79s u must b some old degenerate douche bag with too much time on ur hands.
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Well i think everyone obviously knowswho real and who the fckin fraud is cuz chuckie the clown cant even man up and send me his number cuz he a pussy.
chuck sits on his computer all day trying to occupy his lonely ass time arguing w dudes instead of being productive so he resorts to pathetic display of internet trolling in an attempt to seem like he is important when he is merely a middle aged over weight single gay male trying to find a fag online to talk to because hes a hermit and obviously has no life other than talkin to people on an internet forum which he provides absolutely 0 contribution to other than wasting peoples time and tryin to suck ppl into arguing down to his level which is beneath\. U r truly in a league of your own and the level of patheticness is in penetrable you are a fckin joke. U probably dont even grow anything and live vicariously thru the real mother fckers on here who actually do this for a living while u wish u had the ability to do anyting other than sitting at home on ur computer making a complete fckin clown out of urself for the world to see.
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chuck estevez, post: 11770421, member: 509695"]thought you were done with this thread for the 10th time? Why do you keep coming back? why does your other account ONLY post in this thread?

Funny You mention that, as I just got down painstakingly photographing all my plants, sending the pics from phone to email, uploading them to the site and making an entire thread about it - but you probably think im doing it just to fool you huh? Paranoid freak. I'm assuming I would be the "guys other account" here it is
I dont grow outside ever lol. He probably gonna try say u stole those pictures so be warned he results to bull shit and insults because he cant back up anything he says. You wont see him posting any pictures of his grow i can promise you that much.
chuck estevez, post: 11770421, member: 509695"]thought you were done with this thread for the 10th time? Why do you keep coming back? why does your other account ONLY post in this thread?

Funny You mention that, as I just got down painstakingly photographing all my plants, sending the pics from phone to email, uploading them to the site and making an entire thread about it - but you probably think im doing it just to fool you huh? Paranoid freak. I'm assuming I would be the "guys other account" here it is
Yeah Ill join it too i dont got skype but I will call someone and gladly prove this dude wrong with a smile on my face laughing at your self centered hysteria that ony you are capable of thinking you are that important when I can promise that aint the case at all.

Where u from anyways my dude? Im out in Rhode Island you?

I live in Maine. Should be pretty easy to tell we aren't the same person.
I dont grow outside ever lol. He probably gonna try say u stole those pictures so be warned he results to bull shit and insults because he cant back up anything he says. You wont see him posting any pictures of his grow i can promise you that much.
says PIK_BOOSTER, that's HIGHlarious!!!
Aw look at chuck year book photo. I bet u pulled all the guys w that hair cut. I knew u were a closet homosexual. Doesnt it feel better to be honest buddy? I applaud u for ur bravery and courage, i knew you had it in you.
Oh u aint too far from me. Im down in RI. Maine startin to pop off big time with growing. They got some good shit up there couple of my boys live in portland actually. Nice place
We already know you're in boston pik-booster, home of the mullet, we don't do that stupid shit in cali.
Oh u aint too far from me. Im down in RI. Maine startin to pop off big time with growing. They got some good shit up there couple of my boys live in portland actually. Nice place

Maine has always been a huge smoking and growing state now that it's legalized for medical with recreational in the works, it's really becoming an industry.
When did u plant those outside. Only prolem up there is season is mad short outside. You really only got like september and it gets fckin cold and frost comes quick after that. You need get shit planted in ground by may 1st. My boys who grow outside usually start em indoors for a few weeks and transplant around than. Usually choppin down in october.