pheno hunting for this season...

image.jpg light dep from the ladder top of bows is 8 ft ...
image.jpg other side with almost trees lol durban x haze in the front 4 x 300 gallon 6ft round ghettopots:)
image.jpg durban haze
image.jpg riding bikes on the skimountain this week start at 10000 ft ride to 12000 then ride down to 8400:) Update
@Gbuddy welcome to the show ..we love the mountains here was just out mtn biking in the high country f-10 awsome . has stability increased ? has vigour declined??
i am in the middle of a 30 seed batch of my durban x nevelles haze popped about 150 total so far but still assessing flowers for my f2 . then gonna try to lock down the thcv and head high:) your work sounds inspired:) we love to share so pollen shareing is a given end . that way we can breed the best to the best .
i am a disiple of biodynamic farming and Rudolf Steiners work in general . a countryman of yours lol...sorry for the book

View attachment 3463091 cross of mine ghost og x daze f1

Thank you!

Mtn biking is a must at your place. Horse riding also would be great there!

Yes the f10 is pretty stable. A friend of mine made female seeds from the f8 of two different clones I gave him. I expected some variation due to genetically recombination but the outcoming plants from the produced seeds look all the same just like clones.
the f10 ladies look the same as the f9 I grew last year.
they are also way different to the parentstrains still indica look but with red-light purple steams and some colors in the buds too. the high is not too narcotic anymore but strong and long lasting. Thats what I selected for.
the sensistar would have killed even the seasoned potsnob so narcotic ya would sleep the whole day... not good.

Man your cross looks awsome...really verry frosty for the stage of flowering.

This year I decided to try some new strains to bring some diversity to my garden.
I have my f10 as I have every year,
and for the new ones 3 different uk cheese, pakistan chitral kush for breeding with(Im into a lil making my own pure kushstrain-project), pandoras box, qleaner, deep purple, marroc, original amnesia and fresian dew.
just trying to find something good and the rest will not be kept.

Oh Steiner was a great man and had very deep thoughts.

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NOTE TO SELF - last night 7- 20-15
spread 1 lbs fish bone meal (food grade) 6-15-0
1lbs gaia green basalt rock dust per 300 gallons 0-0-1
top dressed 15 gallon pots with
1 tablespoon FBM6-15-0
2tablespoon BasaltRD0-0-1
this morning i noticed deep greening and lots of growth (soil may have been lacking )
watch for twisting and burning at tips but looks great so far . GG#4 might have been pushed too hard with 5-1-1 and 6-15-0 so close in charged soil but what ever

light dep humidity required alot of adjusting with fans added for flow and math done for proper amts of air exchange (duh)
makeing a batch of horsetail foliar for full moon protection ala steiner:)
he aint kidding . i first sensi star i smoked was a KNOCKOUT . now its femmed or somfin an has diffrent effects... bogus....

dang, i would love to have that in my garden! Everyone said the dog from breedes boutique dog was pretty dick in the ground weed...i smoke it and cant sit still! Are there any sources for the original sensi star?
dang, i would love to have that in my garden! Everyone said the dog from breedes boutique dog was pretty dick in the ground weed...i smoke it and cant sit still! Are there any sources for the original sensi star?
Hey papa I made F2's from the narco female sensi star with the male I used for the initial cross of what is my f10 now. Never grew the f2 myself but others have and there was the same effect, 20 hours of sleep a day without problems when ya wake and bake.
for sleep medication for sure that one would be a great meficine but for nothing else.
I must take a look into my seed storing box I think there are some beans left. But dunno if they still germ after 9years without being in a refrigrator all the time, but maybe worth a try. We can find a way to get them your way if you want them. Talk to joe ;-)

NOTE TO SELF - last night 7- 20-15
spread 1 lbs fish bone meal (food grade) 6-15-0
1lbs gaia green basalt rock dust per 300 gallons 0-0-1
top dressed 15 gallon pots with
1 tablespoon FBM6-15-0
2tablespoon BasaltRD0-0-1
this morning i noticed deep greening and lots of growth (soil may have been lacking )
watch for twisting and burning at tips but looks great so far . GG#4 might have been pushed too hard with 5-1-1 and 6-15-0 so close in charged soil but what ever

light dep humidity required alot of adjusting with fans added for flow and math done for proper amts of air exchange (duh)
makeing a batch of horsetail foliar for full moon protection ala steiner:)

Sounds mystic :-)
You guys in the US are far ahead with organics and you have lot more ingredients/sources to get the stuff from. Most people here never used even compost teas.

What is a horsetail foliar?? :-)
I think I better would read more steiner.....
I will do what I can papa.
If There are some left beans in the box they are yours. I Dont forget that you and your soldiers co op thread are one of two reasons I registered on Riu.

I will check the box out tomorrow and tell ya. Today I am done from working since it was very hot there, and I am very happy now being here baked and chilling with you guys
Sounds mystic :-)
You guys in the US are far ahead with organics and you have lot more ingredients/sources to get the stuff from. Most people here never used even compost teas.

What is a horsetail foliar?? :-)
I think I better would read more steiner.....

biodynamic prep #508 it is called in biodynamic circles .
you might be mistaken i am told compost tea root feed was invented in europe...
click there for more reading...
my damn geese decided to eat my watermelon plant, and now have figured out the smart pots contain awesome grub. So had to play goose round up lol and moved them to the smaller pen. Now relaxing with some dog kush. Damn animals.

@Gbuddy thanks man, i appreciate it. Just doing what I love, and helping fellow brothers along the way.
Yes I am sure you are right joe.
In the cannabis growing scene its just not as widely used as with Growers in the US.
people outdoor use most of the time just "blaukorn" a cheapass chemical fertilizer for their guerilla because 5 of 10 grows of this kind get ripped of by some assholes or hogs and deer will kill it.

I am myself just in the beginning of going more organic.

The indoor crowd here in the organic department just use to buy ready to go bottled organic mixes.
but I like to brew compost and guano tea
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my damn geese decided to eat my watermelon plant, and now have figured out the smart pots contain awesome grub. So had to play goose round up lol and moved them to the smaller pen. Now relaxing with some dog kush. Damn animals.

@Gbuddy thanks man, i appreciate it. Just doing what I love, and helping fellow brothers along the way.
Haha sounds like great fun on your farm papa :-D
its crazy how much plants love the compost tea. I make em super heavy with EWC, molasses, kelp meal, alfaha meal, crab meal, 3 types of bat guano, goose manure, and og biowar microbes. excellent stuff

Half of the stuff you mention I not even know where to get it from, here. The natural stuff is no problem but the special stuff like kelp meal, crab meal alfalfa for example.
my damn geese decided to eat my watermelon plant, and now have figured out the smart pots contain awesome grub. So had to play goose round up lol and moved them to the smaller pen. Now relaxing with some dog kush. Damn animals.

@Gbuddy thanks man, i appreciate it. Just doing what I love, and helping fellow brothers along the way.

hit your containers with a milky spore teatment (look it up) it is cheap and will wipe out the grubs ... lol they reallly get in there and root around eh?? if the grubs are in one container they are in them all .. i got a bunch with some horse manure i got last year lol...