Hey guys. So for my first mushroom grow I'm growing b+. And I'm very happy to say things seem to be turning out great. I have 2 large mushrooms, and about 8 smaller mushrooms. There is a little bit of blue on the cake and I'm pretty sure that's because I played with it a little too much and bruised it. There's one mushroom that doesn't seem to be going too well because it feels very loose like its hanging onto the cake by a thread and it's not growing very much. But considering the size of the other mushrooms I'm not too concerned about it. My only real concern is I found white fuzz growing at the base of the mushrooms. I googled it and one place said it was due to not enough fresh air exchange, which I don't see how that's possible considering I fanned the terrarium 3-4 times a day, and another place said its because the conditions for the mushrooms are ideal and it's normal. so I'm getting mixed messages. I just want to know if they're safe to eat. Also I see a little bit of tearing between the stem and the cap but I don't think it's the kind of tearing I'm waiting for. I'll just throw some pictures up so you guys can see everything I'm talking about. Please let me know your thoughts. Sorry that one of the pictures are blurry this camera is hard to mess with sometimes.

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