DiY LEDs - How to Power Them

Thanks for the responses. I know I'll be hitting the threshold on max Vf, but I'm more concerned about the differences in Vf between the CXA and CXB. If that will cause any issues.
Thanks for the responses. I know I'll be hitting the threshold on max Vf, but I'm more concerned about the differences in Vf between the CXA and CXB. If that will cause any issues.
It will work. A constant current driver supplies the same amperage regardless of what is hooked up to it, and the voltage is pulled as needed up to the max. You can even use small, monocolor LEDs and large cobs together on the same string as long as they need the same current. And from what Supra has mentioned, the driver has its best efficiency near max voltage.
...monocolors at 1400 mA?... a bit extreme to my eye for led stars... maybe im too old...

..on cobs the vf diference ...its a few volts... no problem to my eye...when use stars... (my note...normally the If max for led stars are 700 or 1000 runing hard the led stars)... but the vf diferences with a stars its high too.. but again my pov ...a few monocolors only can be added if you run the cobs on the 700 mA way seems ok to me... but its only my inexpert opinion...

...i know i know... back to the cavern...


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...monocolors at 1400 mA?... a bit extreme to my eye for led stars... maybe im too old...

..on cobs the vf diference ...its a few volts... no problem to my eye...when use stars... (my note...normally the If max for led stars are 700 or 1000 runing hard the led stars)... but the vf diferences with a stars its high too.. but again my pov ...a few monocolors only can be added if you run the cobs on the 700 mA way seems ok to me... but its only my inexpert opinion...

...i know i know... back to the cavern...



royal blue and UVA monos are commonly spec'd at 1000ma max current, seems compatible if your running cobs at 1000ma for hi-efficiency.
...ive told ...normally the If max for led stars are 700 or 1000 mA runing hard the led stars...

...a few monocolors only can be added if you run the cobs on the 700 mA or 1000 mA way... PB...better that way for you?...

...but he run the cobs at 1400 mA... ...mix cobs with a few volts of diference at same If example 1400mA... ...not problem... mix monocolor and cobs at 1400 mA.. ...its a NO NO way for my pov...

...if her run the cobs and monocolors at 700 mA (i said 700 mA.. its more usual value...)not problem for my eye too... can run the 1000 mA led stars at 700 mA course... ;)

pd...of course matching the vf of led series on output driver specifications...

...and better go with specifications of driver if you go on garanty time too...:hump:

...if you go on the extreme values... beware dont break the driver garanty rules... sorry my bad english...

PD 2... ...if you run led star to 1000 mA... ...better go on the cooper stars... or a good star mcpcbs....;) ...700 mA are more safety way for led stars mcpcbs for my pov too..:hump:;)


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...i told you im too old... ...thanks ya bongo... i imagine we need a good good type or size of stars mcpcbs to deal with these powers leds at 1500 mA... ...maybe sinkpad2 stars mcpcbs... or similar...

...on mouser they said 1000 mA...

...of course there are monocolors leds at 1.5 mA too im no doubt... ...i dont know all models or bins ...etc... but thanks again ya bongo...:hump:;)

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...told you... thanks ya bongo :hug: ;)

...i hear the guod voice the fuckin manuallll....:wall: :lol::lol::lol: im on the night train... :joint::bigjoint:...;)

...back to the chozo...

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Ive got spare cooling and spare voltage on both of my 3590 pontoons.

The light is composed of 4vero29 4k and 4cree3590 3500k. Are there any monos that i might add on that are a no brainer? The light is Exclusively for flowering.
Ive got spare cooling and spare voltage on both of my 3590 pontoons.

The light is composed of 4vero29 4k and 4cree3590 3500k. Are there any monos that i might add on that are a no brainer? The light is Exclusively for flowering.

How hard are you driving the cobs? I'd say you could add some deep reds, but I haven't seen any that are spec'd to run at more than 700ma.
thanks guys, i should have specified: 2x hlg 120 700. So i have 2 3590 on each .700mA driver.

Ill look into the reds. Ive seen folks debate whether adding reds is worth it. I'd like to enhance the frost action that is a little lacking, for me, with the veros.

I havent finished the build yet so i havent got any experience with the cree cobs added.

EDIT: I just took a quick look at spectral power distribution for the 3590 3500k. The exact match isnt shown but it seems like there is ample 650-670nm.
@Scotch089 do you believe it would be helpful to add more?
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Are you just using 3500? 80 cri? Then I would say no... I think that's the middle ground to run all white (for ease of assmebly) if you were under 3000 or over 4000 I would say yes. Blue or red for one or the other. I notice the stretch under 3k could use some help and I am a big supporter of red spectrum so anything over 4 in my eyes should take it.

If you are dead set on using some I would put it on a seperate driver and switch for after 4 weeks of 12/12 to not affect stretch and still get your red in the latter part of flower. But I remember right, the 3500 spd has a good amount already..
Thanks folks.

Im not determined to add stars. In fact getting one run under my belt with the under construction set up might be the best bet. I dont think there is anyone else using this combo to compare notes with. Im interested in learning what could be any potential improvement ideas since ive got the volts ....and the tools are still out.

The veors alone work great so any improvement will be amazing.
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So nothing to add to cxb3590 3500K CD? Only 730nm Far red for 10, 15mn after lights off!? All along the grow and go 14/10 in flo?
Have a great day★