Wanna know what would really simplify things? Take the watts dissipated and multiply it by the efficiency on the efficiency chart. Take that number and divide it by the total area of your grow. Done. Who are you trying to sell lamps to anyway, Einstein? Also, what crazy SPD are you planning on using that doesn't have a very similar QER to cxa 3000k 80cri? Are you going boost the red and cut the blue as if that's a ticket to few free extra umol/s without increasing W? Just gotta turn a few knobs...
And that's my issue with the "it's not watts, it's umol/s" line of thinking. Photosynthesis is a process of transferring light energy to chemical energy. It takes energy to create the sugars, and that's why the nutritional value is not measured in the umol/s worth of sugars produced.
that doesn't simplify anything, I can measure umol/s at the canopy and its more closely related to the rate of photosynthesis than watts, horse power, current, voltage or wavelengths. If you really want a better measurement try measuring O2 production at different points around the canopy. Using O2 production eliminates almost everything except non-photosynthesis related effects of light on plant physiology.
LOL I haven't talked like that since I graduated