help my poor sick baby!


Well-Known Member
OK this is literally my first plant and she appears very unhappy. In seeing spots on most of it, and me growth is yellowing and curling like mad. I'll post pics too since, apparently, I can't add them atm.


Well-Known Member
Do you have a bunch of holes in the bottom of the bucket?
try some Maxsea great.


Well-Known Member
Do you check if for pests like spider mites? If it doesn't have pests, It is definitely a root issues.


Well-Known Member
@pseudobotanist I would disagree with you on this one. I've seen Fe deficiency and it looks nothing like this.
If we have to compare this plant to deficiency, Manganese looks closest.

However the new growth is curled and pale which can not be caused by Micro nutrient deficiency.
Even tho is never bad to feed you plant with some Cal/Mag and Iron at small doses.

Once a while ago I ditch one plant in the dark for a month because I had no room for it.
It couldn't manage to photosynthesize and therefore it didn't had the energy to build cells and grow further.
The plant I had looked a lot like this one but I strongly doubt light issue is the case.

Conclusion is that this plant has no energy to build cells and chlorophyll due some kind of unknown stress factors.
Judging by the look of the spots on the leaves, could be pests and since its also outdoors it is very possible.
If that's not the case, to be honest I have no clue what else could be.
Its a shame tho a plant that big. ://


Well-Known Member
Do you have a bunch of holes in the bottom of the bucket?
try some Maxsea great.
Had fed it with 12-12-12... Recently repotted since she had run out of growing room... And treated with what was supposed to be a mild insecticide... I think that's when the trouble started. It does have good drainage, but I am wondering about over watering.


Well-Known Member
It could be the stress of moving to a different container??? I'm so clueless but this thing is like another of my kids lol I want to fix it somehow. :(


Well-Known Member
Over water can be issue. Lack of oxygen makes the plant release chemicals and start fermenting leading to complete uptake lockdown. But your leaves does not indicate overwater. Do you wait for the soil to become dry before watering?


Well-Known Member
I think my hubby has been watering in between when I do so I'm honestly not totally sure about how much she is getting... And she was replanted less than a week ago and this started the day after...Or two days later.

Side note.... It doesn't look like mites, does it? Please say no lol
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Well-Known Member
It is not up to us to tell u about mites. You should be able to see them yourself if u had any. They usually hide underneath the leaves.
It is normal for the plant to stress over transplant especially if roots have been affected due to the process.
Do you thing your new medium could have been too hot for the plant? What is the pH of the soil?
You should water once the top soil gets dry. I suppose you don't feed it anything? You shouldn't yet, the soil has its own minerals.


Well-Known Member
I have been checking for mites... Nothing yet. I haven't checked the pH since transplanting. (Bad plant mama, I know) I'll be doing that this evening.I fed it a little about a month ago, but didn't like the way she responded.


Well-Known Member
Well the pH is about 6.5. I flushed her and fed an organic mix at 1/4 strength. Also found neem oil.... After a three day search. Lol I have a bit of new growth peaking through (yay!) So here's hoping. Thank you guys for your advice. I hope I can post some awesome after pics.


Well-Known Member
Well as soon as my phone charges enough for pics, I'll post them. But I'm pleased to say after flushing, feeding, and pest-proofing... As well as letting the soil dry a bit between watering (by keeping the hubby away lol!!) My little lady is spring some much flatter, greener leaves and tons of new growth!!!