hi everyone:)
druzil that was a lot of brown paper bags you had good job man.

well i will get the chance to meet JD Short this week, and i am looking forward to it. i am working on meeting the local ganja businessmen and making the contacts papapayene and my self will need to sell our product next year.
something to be aware of if you live in the Pacific Northwest

'Start running when you hear dogs barking and on foot because roads will liquefy': Geographers' advice on how to survive massive overdue earthquake predicted to obliterate the Pacific Northwest

Scientists have outlined their alarmingly unhelpful tips on how to survive the earthquake that will hit the Pacific Northwest. The killer quake along Cascadia, a fault line which runs from Cape Mendocino, California, to Vancouver Island, Canada, is 72 years overdue, according to peer-reviewed studies. When - not if - it arrives, sending a 200-foot-tall tsunami over the region, it is unlikely the people of coastal Oregon, Washington and California will be able to escape.

something to be aware of if you live in the Pacific Northwest

'Start running when you hear dogs barking and on foot because roads will liquefy': Geographers' advice on how to survive massive overdue earthquake predicted to obliterate the Pacific Northwest

Scientists have outlined their alarmingly unhelpful tips on how to survive the earthquake that will hit the Pacific Northwest. The killer quake along Cascadia, a fault line which runs from Cape Mendocino, California, to Vancouver Island, Canada, is 72 years overdue, according to peer-reviewed studies. When - not if - it arrives, sending a 200-foot-tall tsunami over the region, it is unlikely the people of coastal Oregon, Washington and California will be able to escape.

had one over 4 just last week and the epicenter was with in 2 miles of my house;)