Pet Peeves.....What are yours?

I stopped correcting people in real life about weed growing and anything to go with genetics....

Mostly because it was usually followed by the question "do you grow?"

I'm getting to that point too.

A nurse at work was explaining how FLIR can see right through the walls and I corrected him and was hit with a " how do you know?"

Same thing with lights and hydroponics info, I'll just let people be wrong from now on.

I also don't correct people in real life anymore. I come off as an asshole when I do.. I come at people's like I'm in noob central.
Irl I like to just let people talk about how much they know about growing and then laugh at them. I went to see a friends grow and he LITERALLY stripped all his fan leaves off! Literally! I told him that's the best thing to do lmao but I had to roll out because I couldn't take it anymore
Irl I like to just let people talk about how much they know about growing and then laugh at them. I went to see a friends grow and he LITERALLY stripped all his fan leaves off! Literally! I told him that's the best thing to do lmao but I had to roll out because I couldn't take it anymore
Worst advice I was ever given hands down was to plant 2 different strains next to each other that way the roots can tangle up ..according to an idiot the flavors will mix.
I do have one that kind off gets me; People with no situational awareness today. Weather it be staring at their cell phones while walking, driving, shopping, eating...whatever. They have no awareness of anything that's behind, next too, or even in front of them. Them & their little cell phone are the center of the Universe & they act like they are protected. I tend to chuckle every time I read about some stupid teen hit by a train while wearing their headphones. We played on the train tracks when I was a kid plenty of times & you could hear the trains coming for miles.....I could never imagine going around so unaware of what was around gives me the jeebee's just thinking about it
I do have one that kind off gets me; People with no situational awareness today. Weather it be staring at their cell phones while walking, driving, shopping, eating...whatever. They have no awareness of anything that's behind, next too, or even in front of them. Them & their little cell phone are the center of the Universe & they act like they are protected. I tend to chuckle every time I read about some stupid teen hit by a train while wearing their headphones. We played on the train tracks when I was a kid plenty of times & you could hear the trains coming for miles.....I could never imagine going around so unaware of what was around gives me the jeebee's just thinking about it
I make extra effort to walk into the phone zombies.
punk kids with no respect for there elders, or anyone else for that matter.

Greedy people who are good con men

folks who are mean to animals

chinese medicine beliefs....they'd rub a rock on there balls if the elders told em it'd get it hard!
I do have one that kind off gets me; People with no situational awareness today. Weather it be staring at their cell phones while walking, driving, shopping, eating...whatever. They have no awareness of anything that's behind, next too, or even in front of them. Them & their little cell phone are the center of the Universe & they act like they are protected. I tend to chuckle every time I read about some stupid teen hit by a train while wearing their headphones. We played on the train tracks when I was a kid plenty of times & you could hear the trains coming for miles.....I could never imagine going around so unaware of what was around gives me the jeebee's just thinking about it
That was my final peeve, can you imagine these shit stains sitting in a foxhole with 7.62 buzzing above there heads?
I had someone tell me that I'm drying my plants wrong! I need to leave the roots on so the THC drains downo_O
Fucken hippies. I know a guy that floods his plants for like 6 a legitimate 6 hours. He says ...And Keep In Mind Most Of What He Told Me Was With Hand Gestures And Sound Effects. ... he goes " you got to water a lot the day before you pull... he said the plant sucks up the water( he made slurping sounds)...he said all the good growers do it and that's how you get major weight..
I do have one that kind off gets me; People with no situational awareness today. Weather it be staring at their cell phones while walking, driving, shopping, eating...whatever. They have no awareness of anything that's behind, next too, or even in front of them. Them & their little cell phone are the center of the Universe & they act like they are protected. I tend to chuckle every time I read about some stupid teen hit by a train while wearing their headphones. We played on the train tracks when I was a kid plenty of times & you could hear the trains coming for miles.....I could never imagine going around so unaware of what was around gives me the jeebee's just thinking about it

In the last year I have witnessed a people on their cell phones walk into a glass door, trip and fall, bump into others, and my favorite, get hit by a bicycle. All of these instances made my day. We should simply leave some manholes uncovered on busy sidewalks and let Darwin go to work...