The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Been catching up on UK news... no HB for under 21s. Good news! stops all the chav cunts popping babies out at 15-16 and getting a free flat paid for by those that work for a living. Child benefits for only 2 kids is also good news. Don't have kids if you can't afford it! Simple. Tax payers shouldn't have to bare the brunt of the underclass breeders having babies to make a living out of being fucking useless.

All they need to to do now is round up all the full time unemployed and ship the cunts off to work camps.
My opinion of u has just changed dramatically, I had my 3 kids by time I was 20 and also relied on housing benefit for many years to help with the rent cos my wages weren't enough to cover my rent, bills and living costs, I hate rich well off cunts that think everyone that receives some sort of benefit is a drain on society,


Well-Known Member
Been catching up on UK news... no HB for under 21s. Good news! stops all the chav cunts popping babies out at 15-16 and getting a free flat paid for by those that work for a living. Child benefits for only 2 kids is also good news. Don't have kids if you can't afford it! Simple. Tax payers shouldn't have to bare the brunt of the underclass breeders having babies to make a living out of being fucking useless.

All they need to to do now is round up all the full time unemployed and ship the cunts off to work camps.


Well-Known Member
My opinion of u has just changed dramatically, I had my 3 kids by time I was 20 and also relied on housing benefit for many years to help with the rent cos my wages weren't enough to cover my rent, bills and living costs, I hate rich well off cunts that think everyone that receives some sort of benefit is a drain on society,
dunno how ''rich'' he is, one minit 200 is pocket change the next hes gotta wait to buy a 800 tele??? its his first grow one minit the next its all over the site giving out info on every type of grow.

the kicker has gotta be the hb comments, i wonder how much rent it pays to the old bint in france whos house it is lol