my take on ngr


Well-Known Member
i just got my first order from thedankteam. here is my take on them. being inside the boarder fantastic..the shipping was fast...packaging was good...the website is still cumbersome...the customer service is just about non existent(my worst experience in the last 10years)...the cost was higher than any of my normal sources(even with their high shipping cost)...only 1 out of 4 different strains from 3 different breeders came in a breeder packs...product selection was ok...product descriptions similar to the customer service(i think this one could be a shared blame between the breeders and the bank) take,i wont be in no hurry to go back if i do at all.
my take on n
I NEVER had a problem. every full pack was in breeders pack SEALED. unless i got 5pk.
even fixed a couple of my orders thru customer service.
so customer service worked for me.
final take=I WILL ORDER from N again..
well that sux,man im not sure why its so hard for these guys to get the order right for customers.
i hate it happened, but it is what it is...this was the first time in the last 10 years that i`ve had to even use customer service with a seed bank(been lucky), before that i lost 400 to seed boutique. so it could have been worse. the good thing is there are other in country banks and more coming i`m sure.
I would like to know what breeders he is selling for more than other companies, just spouting out words don't mean shit without proof bruh.

IF you are talking about BoG it would be ridiculous for a bank to sell them at the same cost as the breeder.

Website is obviously more complicated than he thought as it was supposed to be up a month or two ago so you do have a point. Customer service was always good with me but I can understand that not everyones mileage is the same.

NGR gave me more of what I want than any other company, spent more there than any bank so far. I am not just a fanboi though I have an order coming from gorilla and will most likely place another one if the first arrives. I also shop local dispensaries or anywhere that has what I want. Shipping has always been free for me too so unless you are ordering like one pack of the lowest price I don't know how you didn't get free shipping lols.

I want what I want :o, but I also get it.
i hate it happened, but it is what it is...this was the first time in the last 10 years that i`ve had to even use customer service with a seed bank(been lucky), before that i lost 400 to seed boutique. so it could have been worse. the good thing is there are other in country banks and more coming i`m sure.

i hear ya- i lost about 100 to seed boutique. Well, lost it ,but used m.o.- so i got most of it back
I would like to know what breeders he is selling for more than other companies, just spouting out words don't mean shit without proof bruh.

IF you are talking about BoG it would be ridiculous for a bank to sell them at the same cost as the breeder.

Website is obviously more complicated than he thought as it was supposed to be up a month or two ago so you do have a point. Customer service was always good with me but I can understand that not everyones mileage is the same.

NGR gave me more of what I want than any other company, spent more there than any bank so far. I am not just a fanboi though I have an order coming from gorilla and will most likely place another one if the first arrives. I also shop local dispensaries or anywhere that has what I want. Shipping has always been free for me too so unless you are ordering like one pack of the lowest price I don't know how you didn't get free shipping lols.

I want what I want :o, but I also get it.
i got a 1 cali con which was cheaper($24) 2 from hso which a lot higher($35) and one i didn`t count because its just available at the us banks. add his tax and it would have been cheaper to go european. i not trying to whine about, it could have been avoided all together if i hadn`t added yank to the mix. i am not going to pouch my lip out jump up an down and cry about it, i`ll just move on to the next one. i just put up my honest review on the bank.

i hear ya- i lost about 100 to seed boutique. Well, lost it ,but used m.o.- so i got most of it back
the sb got a bunch of folks before the shitstorm cleared. the game has since changed greatly, for the better. i`ve always treated it like gambling never bet more than you can afford to lose.
i got a 1 cali con which was cheaper($24) 2 from hso which a lot higher($35) and one i didn`t count because its just available at the us banks. add his tax and it would have been cheaper to go european. i not trying to whine about, it could have been avoided all together if i hadn`t added yank to the mix. i am not going to pouch my lip out jump up an down and cry about it, i`ll just move on to the next one. i just put up my honest review on the bank.

the sb got a bunch of folks before the shitstorm cleared. the game has since changed greatly, for the better. i`ve always treated it like gambling never bet more than you can afford to lose.

yeah it was around xmas. things used to be good there prices are right. but im not sure id chance it anymore. not sure whats different same addy as b4
yeah it was around xmas. things used to be good there prices are right. but im not sure id chance it anymore. not sure whats different same addy as b4
i never have looked back to them for anything. after heavens stairway went down people kinda went crazy for a new sources, i mean most of the canadians just stopped shipping here. the sb just had it all, then came doc for a few years. it ended badly for a lot of people as well. i was lucky and got everything from him. i got a few things i can only get from the europen banks, after that i hope to keep my money inside the country.
I ordered the 4th of July from NGR to take advantage of their promo and messed up typing in the code(a little to dabbed out and drunk). I emailed them that night and received a response in less then an hour. I would have to say that responding to emails at 1:00 in the morning is pretty good customer service. To add to that he gave me the discount and the promo freebies. I have ordered twice and received my beans in the breeders packs, but there again I ordered full packs. I don't think you can reasonably expect him to send the packs if you only order partial packs. Top of the line if you ask me. To each their own though.
Yeah I am confused. You expected to get singles in the breeders packs? Is that normal for banks to do? I dont know because I have never ordered singles but I would imagine they ship them the same as freebies in the little bags.
Fwiw I have ordered from ngr a couple of times now, only once since the site got screwie but got my crocketts con like every order in the breeder packs and the fathers day freebies in their little baggies. That was a bomb promo, dude must really love his pops lol.
I ordered the 4th of July from NGR to take advantage of their promo and messed up typing in the code(a little to dabbed out and drunk). I emailed them that night and received a response in less then an hour. I would have to say that responding to emails at 1:00 in the morning is pretty good customer service. To add to that he gave me the discount and the promo freebies. I have ordered twice and received my beans in the breeders packs, but there again I ordered full packs. I don't think you can reasonably expect him to send the packs if you only order partial packs. Top of the line if you ask me. To each their own though.
man that was similar to what happened, except i was sober. i put the code in an it didn`t get rejected, if you remember he had 2 code for the weekend promo. i emailed as soon as i ordered and didn`t see the discount, yank replied quickly less than 5mins. he said i made a mistake, but no worries he would handle it. that was the last i heard from him, i sent 3-4 more emails before i gave up. i didn`t get the discount or the freebies. in hindsight i should have canceled the order and did it all over, instead of taking yank at his word. i`ve seen where others have had the same issue and he has taken care of it, i my case he just dropped the ball. i didn`t order any partial packs.
Yeah I am confused. You expected to get singles in the breeders packs? Is that normal for banks to do? I dont know because I have never ordered singles but I would imagine they ship them the same as freebies in the little bags.
Fwiw I have ordered from ngr a couple of times now, only once since the site got screwie but got my crocketts con like every order in the breeder packs and the fathers day freebies in their little baggies. That was a bomb promo, dude must really love his pops lol.
where did i say i ordered single? i ordered packs
where did i say i ordered single? i ordered packs
i got a 1 cali con which was cheaper($24) 2 from hso which a lot higher($35) and one i didn`t count because its just available at the us banks.
It might just be that I am high and thought this was you saying the price for a single seed. Is that the difference in price? I dont shop either of those breeders but 24 sounded about right for what I have heard cc singles go for.
Thats too bad you didnt get the discount or freebies. If you emailed him about not getting it after your previous agreement then that is bogus because you would think he would wanna make it right
It might just be that I am high and thought this was you saying the price for a single seed. Is that the difference in price? I dont shop either of those breeders but 24 sounded about right for what I have heard cc singles go for.
Thats too bad you didnt get the discount or freebies. If you emailed him about not getting it after your previous agreement then that is bogus because you would think he would wanna make it right
that was the difference in the price. like i`ve said this is not a bitch thread. it is my honest take on the bank. believe me i thought long and hard on how to go about this and not sound totally negative about. it wasn`t a bad experience but it was`t positive either.
So if I'm understanding this correctly, you ordered a couple packs of seeds and had a typo on the promo code, so he didnt honor the freebies or the discount? If so then that's bad ju ju on his part IMO. He obviously knew you were trying to take advantage of the promo and just misspelled it. smh talk about splitting hairs.