getawaymountain 2015 greenhouse ,guerilla grow


Well-Known Member
a good friend of ours lost all his plants from a moose so we gave him 125 plants to get a crop in today .. sure feels great to be able to help out fellow growers in need be just delivering a whole crop right to his front door free of charge . we always get to help out somebody every year i just call it the ganja gods fund to offset acts of nature haha the one pheno of the brain twister is budding like hell now so early sept on that pheno and the other bt pheno is just starting so 2 weeks behind the first one so both done by mid sept ?
the feel good hippy baller story of the year :) that mighty nice of you !


Well-Known Member
a good friend of ours lost all his plants from a moose so we gave him 125 plants to get a crop in today .. sure feels great to be able to help out fellow growers in need be just delivering a whole crop right to his front door free of charge . we always get to help out somebody every year i just call it the ganja gods fund to offset acts of nature haha the one pheno of the brain twister is budding like hell now so early sept on that pheno and the other bt pheno is just starting so 2 weeks behind the first one so both done by mid sept ?
Yeah that is mighty nice of you guys! I have seen so many kind gestures from you. The international cannabis community is very very lucky to have people such as yourselves. Thanks for all your hard work.:clap::clap::clap:.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
same thing 1 tablespoon to gallon of water

Sounds about right.

I'd also mention with many fertilizers they can get more concentrated at the end if people haven't been diligent about shaking the container up (with the cap on tight!) each time you use some. Hate to see some burnt or blue green plants.

Had to mention this, I want some of that ganja god


Well-Known Member
Sounds about right.

I'd also mention with many fertilizers they can get more concentrated at the end if people haven't been diligent about shaking the container up (with the cap on tight!) each time you use some. Hate to see some burnt or blue green plants.

Had to mention this, I want some of that ganja god
your absolutly right about that issue have had friends do exactly that i used to get 5 gallon buckets of earth juice and ya would need a paint shaker to mix it lol.. like cement in the bottom


Well-Known Member
here's how the guerilla grow is going everything is 8 ft plus and started to bud for the most part and will be done by mid to late sept they are looking great and are growing fast now going to be alot of trimming this season we still got to put out another 75 plants that are sexing out now in the bush to finish out this seasons planting schedule if we planted them all at once we could never handle all the bud at the same time but if we stagger them its like doing numerous crops at once but in one season lol.. got to get every joint we can grow



Well-Known Member
hey getaway i've been enjoying reading your journal this season. i've never had the oppotunity to grow outside but it is a dream of mine...if you don't mind me do you transport water into the bush to water those girls?


Well-Known Member
this gets it started then we just fill barrells and tarps , swimming pools etc and leep frog the water as far as we want it no problem at all just got to have the right equipment we pump all the water first then set up home base at every spot we grow at lots of prep work then just water with garden hoses and solor panels to charge batteries for us while ya just stand there and watch ya watch ( 3 minutes to 10 gallons )



Well-Known Member
this gets it started then we just fill barrells and tarps , swimming pools etc and leep frog the water as far as we want it no problem at all just got to have the right equipment we pump all the water first then set up home base at every spot we grow at lots of prep work then just water with garden hoses and solor panels to charge batteries for us while ya just stand there and watch ya watch ( 3 minutes to 10 gallons )
in-fa-structure. grew on a spot in mendo with 50 gallon barrels in the trees on hunting stands :) talk about head pressure...


Well-Known Member
this gets it started then we just fill barrells and tarps , swimming pools etc and leep frog the water as far as we want it no problem at all just got to have the right equipment we pump all the water first then set up home base at every spot we grow at lots of prep work then just water with garden hoses and solor panels to charge batteries for us while ya just stand there and watch ya watch ( 3 minutes to 10 gallons )
makes sense. thanks for the info.


Well-Known Member
the greenhouse is looking good and the getaway special is looking good so far- they are the ones in the single pics and the nigerian nightmares are being quarded by the dogs all the time



Well-Known Member
here ;s the early pheno patch and they are budding fast this spot has 15 and they will give us 3-4 ounces each so we got fresh smoking bud real soon !! the first budding pics are seawarps and the last 2 bud pics are the poison warp early pheno . i seeded the other early poison warp pheno with a early stumble weed pheno so it will be a really nice early head smoke plant or for areas that ya want small plants at 3-4 ft super resin content in this strain sticky sticky



Well-Known Member
Things are looking great out there gm, I hope all your patches work out. My seawarp is getting real big with bud sites everywhere! Somehow I fucked up the swampskunk restarts and was too busy to correct them when they started to go sideways. I have one nice one in the ground that's flowering, It wanted to revegg earlier but now I think she just wants to flower.



Well-Known Member
glad the seawarp is doing its thing and the swamp skunks where not good about revegging at all . iv'e been pulling the males and the first females to show sex for the seeds i'm making this season and the 3 plants in one pic are the purple pineberry x sea level cross i made and it looks great and is very branchy and has retained the smell of the purple pineberry the other crosses i made i up and killed them ( ben johnson and the s.s. early bud ) off right quick when they don't perform the way i wanted but the pineberry is great so i'll take it haha one strain out of 3 new ones . at least one more strain to add to my list of genetics that will grow here in this short wetter season

