Looking real nice,I'd be more excited for the last month of turbo veg, you'll have very big plants. Don't forget those big plants will need to be supported. Hope all goes well for you.Thanks guys! Smoking one right now thinking about them.waiting on them to start to flower then the real show starts!
OK Mang your choice. Caterpillars, mites, thrips, earwigs, slugs, snails, grasshoppers, mold, powdery mildew, ect.... love to eat the herb. I appreciate the altruistic organic approach though. Ounce of prevention and all. Know what sucks? To be halfway into flower and realize there is an epidemic but you don't dare spray now. Maybe it's perfectly harmonious in your neck of the woods though. Gentle nibbling? Not trying to bust your balls, but been there done that. Good luck, nice plants!Calico,
Can't agree about spray for bugs, unless they are infested, which other than some snails earlier, doesn't seem to be the case.
Big healthy plants are pretty resistant to insects ( when not in a grow room) and once they start heavy resin production even more so.
One of the beauties of doing it organic is the concept of balance.
Instead of no bugs in your garden you want all the bugs in there. If conditions are right (and they almost always are outdoors) the bugs balance. You may get the odd leaf sucker but you also get the dragon fly.
Gentle nibbling by a few bugs does no harm and probably strengthens plant resistance.
Most sprays are too indiscriminant and take all the bugs out. Balance is lost.