***The 7th Official Party Cup Grow Competition Registration Thread***

Think smaller scale.... The 16oz is the 5 gallon bucket......
If you think you can get away with running any other size reservoir, you're mistaken. In #5 I ended with root mass shaped like my containers. A few people last round learned winners never cheat and cheaters never win. You're only as good as your integrity!

I plan on showing you all some nice skills I've learned in the past year! @The Dawg you got a lot to learn about Micro DWC! Grab your notebook, and put down the chew toy! Pay attention and I'm sure an Old Dawg can be taught new tricks!
I'm glad a few familiar faces are here, it'll be a good competition/learning experience for you all!
Is the Sand creature from the dark side coming in for this one? He just kinda faded into the abyss during the last one....

I asked because I was combing through the last comp thread and saw that type of setup, it might not have been a 5 gallon reservoir but it was the same idea. A large reservoir with the solo cup working like a basket.

I'd think one day of the plant being left with the roots protruding from the cup would be a DQ. There is no way to tell that growers aren't just trimming right before taking their update pictures and in a DWC setup protruding roots are a big advantage over soil/cocoa growers.
15g dry don't cut it anymore old dawg....gotta get over 40g now!....He's up to something though, ........too quiet.
I don't have a fucking clue how these peeps get those numbers :o. I didn't really follow the last 3 Cups that closely but the numbers bandied about are awe inspiring. I grew a SOG for about a year and if I got 14 to 16 grams dried out of one 2 liter container I was ecstatic. OK I was a know nothing know-it-all using dogshit blurple lights but still ONE OUNCE + 16oz cup grows! Fuck man if i cheated I couldn't get 40 grams! I've had 3 gallon bags yield less. And on top of that my last few cup entrants have been unimpressive or straight out DNF.

Sooooo that's why I'm shuttin the fuck up till showtime! Action Later!
I asked because I was combing through the last comp thread and saw that type of setup, it might not have been a 5 gallon reservoir but it was the same idea. A large reservoir with the solo cup working like a basket.

I'd think one day of the plant being left with the roots protruding from the cup would be a DQ. There is no way to tell that growers aren't just trimming right before taking their update pictures and in a DWC setup protruding roots are a big advantage over soil/cocoa growers.
This is why I may request root checks in between updates. We haven't had a problem with hydro in the comps I've been a part of yet so I hope everyone plays by the rules in this one. If I see any questionable setup, I will be watching closely and I know a lot of contestants will also. We have a good amount of time for hydro designs so come up with one that will work and keep all roots in the confines of the cup.
I asked because I was combing through the last comp thread and saw that type of setup, it might not have been a 5 gallon reservoir but it was the same idea. A large reservoir with the solo cup working like a basket.

I'd think one day of the plant being left with the roots protruding from the cup would be a DQ. There is no way to tell that growers aren't just trimming right before taking their update pictures and in a DWC setup protruding roots are a big advantage over soil/cocoa growers.

I always said that any openings should be screened to contain the roots but it never made it as a rule,so that people don't take advantage and only prune before pics.
I asked because I was combing through the last comp thread and saw that type of setup, it might not have been a 5 gallon reservoir but it was the same idea. A large reservoir with the solo cup working like a basket.

I'd think one day of the plant being left with the roots protruding from the cup would be a DQ. There is no way to tell that growers aren't just trimming right before taking their update pictures and in a DWC setup protruding roots are a big advantage over soil/cocoa growers.
@Metasynth used his 5 gal as a reservoir if im not mistaken. His cup only had a drain, not netting.... @KineBoisin420 had flood cups for #5, again 5 gal reservoir.... I had a 1 gallon gravity fed reservoir. I think we all had enough integrity and confidence to run our system as they were designed, no cheating, only party cup skill. Trust that everyone will be watched, and scrutinized over their choices. If cheating is suspected, you'll be called out and most likely asked to prove otherwise. I will also let you know, pruning roots is quite noticeable in DWC, I know what pruned roots look like and if your cup is your reservoir, there shouldn't be issues.
I won't even mention how much root pruning stunts your plant "mid flower"....
My 16oz system building skills are tried and true, through multiple 12/12 seeds and even clones, go ahead and try to emulate it if you must, I have new improved version, something made from the same stuff as dreams! I have complete faith in this new system, I will be the first 2 time Champ! Wait and See!
@Metasynth used his 5 gal as a reservoir if im not mistaken. His cup only had a drain, not netting.... @KineBoisin420 had flood cups for #5, again 5 gal reservoir.... I had a 1 gallon gravity fed reservoir. I think we all had enough integrity and confidence to run our system as they were designed, no cheating, only party cup skill. Trust that everyone will be watched, and scrutinized over their choices. If cheating is suspected, you'll be called out and most likely asked to prove otherwise. I will also let you know, pruning roots is quite noticeable in DWC, I know what pruned roots look like and if your cup is your reservoir, there shouldn't be issues.
I won't even mention how much root pruning stunts your plant "mid flower"....
My 16oz system building skills are tried and true, through multiple 12/12 seeds and even clones, go ahead and try to emulate it if you must, I have new improved version, something made from the same stuff as dreams! I have complete faith in this new system, I will be the first 2 time Champ! Wait and See!
I don't doubt you will be..good luck and happy growing .
I'm in. This will be my first cup challenge. Thinking Cherry Bomb (Bomb Seeds), pineapple Chunk or freebie Afghani seeds from Herbie's. I'm a soil grower, but admit that I'm intrigued by some of the hydro designs from previous Cups.....hmmmmmm......the wheels are turning.....
I'm in if I can get my beans from gorilla, my light from GothamHydro, and my space all situated.... FC's gonna have a run for his money if I can get some professional gear!

I'm waiting on some beans from herbies and some parts from jerry. I'll have two lamps too choose from,some professional gear, AIR CONDITIONING!..... It'll be chaos, glorious havoc and mayhem!

FC is going to have to be on his A game.