How much do you drink

How much do you drink while driving?

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bud bootlegger
i hardly drink.. think i had one blue moon at the restaurant in boston last weekend, and the time before, split a pitcher of sangria at the hard rock with the gf, also in boston..


Well-Known Member
I use to drive shit faced once I couldn't even walk just had to get home to eat some bread definitely had alcohol poisoning I drive just fine though not in the city or nothing.


Well-Known Member
i hardly drink.. think i had one blue moon at the restaurant in boston last weekend, and the time before, split a pitcher of sangria at the hard rock with the gf, also in boston..
Thought you were Australian...weird...I usually just hit the borbon whiskey one double on the rocks before sleepy time...I have strayed away from tequila latley....and i dont always drink all day but when i do i get real fucked up.


bud bootlegger
So watta you doin in Boston? I hear Texas is lovely this time of year...

//edit: You looking for George racerboy?
yeah, i kept wandering around, walking up to various people, asking if they now g.o.d.. a lot of people said they did, but they all lied..


Well-Known Member
A couple of weeks ago i managed to do a 1300km trip with stopping only 10 min for refuelling and a piss. I did not drink much


Well-Known Member
Very little. I just got held up by police on the bike with my friend Saturday morning at 6am. I passed the breathalyser with 0.04. The limit is 0.25.


Well-Known Member
Why were you detained to begin with?
I'd been out with a bunch of local girls to 3 nightclubs. We don't pay for anything. It's an area where the locals go clubbing so the police are laying in wait for drink drivers.

We just turned a corner and drove straight into them standing on the street. We were lucky though because neither of us had our licenses. I told the officer in very clear spanish that I was sober but had a wine 4 hours ago and that I'd left my card at home because it wasn't my bike. My friend told him she'd drank more than me. Then he just let us go.