Yard growers -- how to deal with theives?

Of course out on the farm we have the old tried & true pre-dug hole with firewood....:shock:

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OK, I admit it, I don't get it... but it does sound intriguing. Care to elaborate? :)

Motion sensors, cameras, barbed/razor wire and big dogs is what i prefer over the police...

Yeah, my situation just doesn't lend itself to most of the best solutions -- but I truly do appreciate everyone's input. My wife has taken countless hours to make our yard into a beautiful Eden-like oasis, incorporating a semi-permaculture edible landscape thing, with all the flowers and plants to attract bees and butterflies... and our cannabis plants are a part of that garden. I'm afraid she'd let the girls get stolen before she'd have razor wire or siren alarms in the back yard (and she's the MM patient, so this is really her deal). That's just my reality, and its OK. I'll keep looking for creative ways to make things secure that don't destroy her garden zen.
What I think jj is referring to by that hole is the 3 S's.....
I suspected as much, but the fire wood aspect threw me.

Since I live in a populated area and up the hill from the local police station, I think I'll need another solution. I never did belly up and pay the stamp for a silencer. ;)
Wax rounds: Take a shotgun round and carefully open up the top. Dump out all BBs. Now fill with hot wax and close it up. You now have a non lethal way to defend yourself. Click-clack. BOOM!

That was the most interesting response of that other thread. I vaguely understand that police have been using "bean bag" or sometimes plastic shot gun projectiles as a non-lethal option... but I don't think these are available to the public. I am curious what the legality of this would be for a civilian.
Saw'd off shotgun, hand on the pump.

Or you could dig a mote around the yard and fill it with crocs...
At the very least get a rottie or a cane corso.perhaps a lion cus no one fuks with a lion.
Well, this has gone off in some odd directions. The original question is very much about staying within legal bounds in a grow happening within a residential neighborhood. There have been good suggestions, so thanks everyone.
I suspected as much, but the fire wood aspect threw me.

Since I live in a populated area and up the hill from the local police station, I think I'll need another solution. I never did belly up and pay the stamp for a silencer. ;)
Cadaver dogs can't smell bones & teeth......things you learn from the Mexican cartels...;)
Here's the problem... anyone who has their MMJ card is NOT allowed to have firearms... you gave up that right when you got your card. For everyone else growing cannabis... the last thing you want to do is get caught with guns while growing weed... that makes it Federal.

Here in the desert, we dig a pit about 4'-5' deep, put the plants in the ground and add about 10 or so rattlesnakes... especially Mojave Greens. If you even get to my plants... you're NOT gonna be ok once a couple of these guys bite you.
Here's the problem... anyone who has their MMJ card is NOT allowed to have firearms... you gave up that right when you got your card. For everyone else growing cannabis... the last thing you want to do is get caught with guns while growing weed... that makes it Federal.

Here in the desert, we dig a pit about 4'-5' deep, put the plants in the ground and add about 10 or so rattlesnakes... especially Mojave Greens. If you even get to my plants... you're NOT gonna be ok once a couple of these guys bite you.
No firearms, that's why I have a machete named "Taliban"......
8-29-2011 Machete 001.jpg
Here's the problem... anyone who has their MMJ card is NOT allowed to have firearms... you gave up that right when you got your card.

No offense, but I'd like to see something to substantiate that. I researched this and at the time, found just the opposite to be true. What I looked into specifically was having a concealed handgun license and a medical marijuana card at the same time, and the info I got was that on the state level (Oregon) it is "still" legal, although it is up to the sheriff in each county to approve CHL's so they could refuse you based on that if they wanted to. Where is your info from? What state do you live in?

Cadaver dogs can't smell bones & teeth......things you learn from the Mexican cartels...;)
Ah, good to know. :)
No offense, but I'd like to see something to substantiate that. I researched this and at the time, found just the opposite to be true. What I looked into specifically was having a concealed handgun license and a medical marijuana card at the same time, and the info I got was that on the state level (Oregon) it is "still" legal, although it is up to the sheriff in each county to approve CHL's so they could refuse you based on that if they wanted to. Where is your info from? What state do you live in?

Ah, good to know. :)
The Feds don't recognize any legal pot & they have a mandatory 5years for having a firearm in the commission of a felony.....good luck
The Feds don't recognize any legal pot & they have a mandatory 5years for having a firearm in the commission of a felony.....good luck
Interesting... so if any of the alphabet soup agencies arrests me for a federal crime in my home, I am liable. Never thought of that angle. Thanks for the information.

A good lawyer might be able to get me off the hook though, because very literally the pot is my wife's and the guns are mine... ? But I'll burn that bridge if I get there.
For medical or recreational growers where its legal, I'm wondering what (if anything) you do to try and prevent people from steeling your buds once they start to ripen?

I suppose the laws are different everywhere for what you can legally do to stop a thief on your property in general. I just have a feeling that if you called the police to report that someone stole your pot plants, even though they are legal here, they might hold back the laughter but they are not going to take out a pen and write anything down.

I live in a decent neighborhood, but on a relatively busy street next to a bus stop. This being my first outdoor, and knowing I could lose plants to bugs or mold, I went for the full six plants my medical status allows to make sure I get something out of the grow. They are all pretty healthy, actually doing much better than I had expected, so come September everyone within I would assume a fairly broad radius of my house will know there are pot plants behind my fence.

So I'm looking ahead, because that's sometimes easier than looking back and regretting. Anything you would suggest I do to keep them safe? What would you do if you caught people/a person in the act of stealing your plants?

I don't grow cannabis outside, but I do have a few somewhat exotic plants that I grow on my patio. Every once in a while a 'neighbor' steals one. I've considered taking up beekeeping as a hobby, but have not done it yet. Maybe a "Beware of bees" sign might help?

Also, and this idea is also totally untested, I've looked in to placing 'curse' totems or 'evil eyes' around my plants, based on the perception that most crooks are dumb and ignorant enough to believe in voodoo-type magic. I heard of a case in England where a person's garden gnome got stolen, so, just as joke they put up a sign saying that they had put a curse on the crook. I think it took at least a year, but eventually the crook brought it back because he or she attributed every bit of bad luck they encountered to the 'curse.'
Interesting... so if any of the alphabet soup agencies arrests me for a federal crime in my home, I am liable. Never thought of that angle. Thanks for the information.

A good lawyer might be able to get me off the hook though, because very literally the pot is my wife's and the guns are mine... ? But I'll burn that bridge if I get there.
No that won't work because they will just charge both of you to get one of you to plead....I know a grower that was busted by the feds a couple of years ago & the only charge his lawyer couldn't get dropped was the mandatory 5 year firearms charge......