when do seedlings need nutrients?


im on day 3 of germin my seeds and many of them have pretty good sites root sticking out so im gonna transplant soon into plugs. im curious when i should start putting some nutrients?
Around 10-12 days is when I like to give my first feed at ~250 ppm
i know different strains grow at different rates. if i see a root system exposed from the plugs is that a good time to feed? in other words, can you give a suggestion based off the development of roots vs age in days? i know some will be half a week behind bc theyve yet to pop.
Cmon man think of what you are asking me.

How am I supposed to describe root development? That's kind of ridiculous.
well you mentioned 10-12 days, so have some imagination, how much root system would you see at this time? do i feed when i see the first sign of roots? or do i wait when the plug is uniformly rooted at the bottom. anyways, im not sure how any question can be ridiculous. i think for you to remain at peace @D_Urbmon you should not even reply to new members bc they might be too dumb for you. thanks buddy.
You think for me to remain at peace?

hahaha this is pure gold.

10-12 days is when I feed mine. I haven't noticed a difference between strains.
You should have about 168.9735 cm of roots before you feed.

Or a cubic volume of 2.34 cm before your first feed

or your roots should dry weigh 0.148 grams before you feed.

you have too much time on your hands if you typed that thinking it was funny. poor guy gets his kicks on a weed forum - sad buddy. if it's not clear, your help is not needed anymore. i think you have hard feelings bc you misinterpreted what i said and felt you needed to make more idiot remarks to rebuild the illusion of intelligence.
I usually stick them in organic dirt and I imagine they start feeding as soon as they need to which I'd guess is immediately in small doses.
cool this makes sense. i already bought the plugs, but i was gonna maybe do a light spray over water to moisten them one last time before they went into the dome. i wouldnt feed em more water, just was curious if any amount of nutes was ok for seedlings?
thanks, there +5100 pages on that link, can you give me maybe a specific page to view? to view each page at 1pg/sec would take me about 85min.

I just meant that section would be a better spot to post this up. I can't really answer your question because I run with an amended soil and don't use nutrients like you're referring to.
drcrumble you are trying to over think it. you`ve read to much of the hyped up over kill. its a weed.
great advice, i had no idea. what meaningless help, @SeedHo what is your purpose here? really...your post has literally zero value. how do you even waste your time typing this message it doesnt help me and it doesnt help you. all it can do is give you more points to become higher rank on this forum? is that what youre seeking? a higher rank on a forum? if so then i understand your meaningless message. it has just enough meaning so that your account is not considered a robot.
no it has a great value.....if you would read it. your question was answered twice it wasn`t what you wanted to hear and now mine is not what you want to hear. you tell us sir just what is it you would like for an answer? the answers you need are in the beginners section.
from what i`m hear from you is you`ve read some crazy info or have read the wrong meaning in to something. so once again i`ll give you my advice keep it simple, its just a weed.
as for some kind of board ranking i was clueless such an animal existed, and i`m not sure why it would even need to exist.