first night of flowering


Well-Known Member
Is she getting alot of good direct sun from the skylight? She will flower if you want her to; under the skylight she will probably stay in veg. You need to make sure she has COMPLETE darkness for 12 hours per day. If you're just counting on natural darkness from the sun/skylight it's probably too much sun time. In my region sun rays start popping out around 4am and aren't completely gone till around 10 pm. So just get her that much needed 12 hours of dark time and she'll do good. Put her in a closet or throw a big cardboard box over her maybe.
Is she getting alot of good direct sun from the skylight? She will flower if you want her to; under the skylight she will probably stay in veg. You need to make sure she has COMPLETE darkness for 12 hours per day. If you're just counting on natural darkness from the sun/skylight it's probably too much sun time. In my region sun rays start popping out around 4am and aren't completely gone till around 10 pm. So just get her that much needed 12 hours of dark time and she'll do good. Put her in a closet or throw a big cardboard box over her maybe.
i already got a dark room for her i put her in at 19:30 and bk to skylight at 07:30 im getn over 12hrs gd sunlight its 86 average in there so all is good mate


Well-Known Member
IMG_20150702_134604_315.jpg IMG_20150701_225426_535.jpg Good deal bro! Try to not to have a huge difference light/dark temps. Keep me posted, wanna know how she turns out. My four gals are on day 7 of flower, check em out. The pic of the single plant is the smallest of the four, sitting next to a 44oz cup for perspective. Had to cut the bottems out of the pots and stack into second pots for more root room.