Yard growers -- how to deal with theives?


Well-Known Member
For medical or recreational growers where its legal, I'm wondering what (if anything) you do to try and prevent people from steeling your buds once they start to ripen?

I suppose the laws are different everywhere for what you can legally do to stop a thief on your property in general. I just have a feeling that if you called the police to report that someone stole your pot plants, even though they are legal here, they might hold back the laughter but they are not going to take out a pen and write anything down.

I live in a decent neighborhood, but on a relatively busy street next to a bus stop. This being my first outdoor, and knowing I could lose plants to bugs or mold, I went for the full six plants my medical status allows to make sure I get something out of the grow. They are all pretty healthy, actually doing much better than I had expected, so come September everyone within I would assume a fairly broad radius of my house will know there are pot plants behind my fence.

So I'm looking ahead, because that's sometimes easier than looking back and regretting. Anything you would suggest I do to keep them safe? What would you do if you caught people/a person in the act of stealing your plants?
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Get a dog, not some "yap yap" dog (although a yap yap dog will let you know if someone's in your yard), but a bad ass intimidating as fuck dog. Tough to beat a good guard dog.
Guard dog
Driveway sensors
Security cameras
Greenhouse, Like jj said..."Out of sight out of mind" (tough with the smell though)
Ducks and geese are great alarms
Tell nobody your growing

There's a few that work for me (except the ducks geese).
Good luck,
Get a dog, not some "yap yap" dog (although a yap yap dog will let you know if someone's in your yard), but a bad ass intimidating as fuck dog. Tough to beat a good guard dog.
Guard dog
Driveway sensors
Security cameras
Greenhouse, Like jj said..."Out of sight out of mind" (tough with the smell though)
Ducks and geese are great alarms
Tell nobody your growing

There's a few that work for me (except the ducks geese).
Good luck,

All good suggestions. There seem to be two categories, prevention and detection. Barbed wire, dogs, growing in a locked chain link cage (like a dog run with a top) are all prevention, and some may happen next year if this year turns out to be an issue. Sensors, cameras, geese, security lighting -- assume that the people will run if they are obviously detected.

The thing is, if I catch someone, I'm not sure what I would/could do (and I am unemployed, so I'm home most of the time). I'm not young or strong enough to be intimidating, so my presence is not a deterrent. Basically the laws don't seem to give us any recourse against thieves.

One local guy I saw online put up motion sensor security lights, cameras, and a full-blown loud speaker system. If he sees someone in his yard it turns into daylight with god speaking at you. Yeah... my wife won't go for that.

Someone across the street from me has an indoor. Periodically I'll see the skylights on their roof open up, and the smell of weed fills the air (I assume its during the last week or so, and while they are drying their harvest). If their indoor is that noticeable, my outdoor is going to be unmistakable. I won't tell anyone, but the plants are going to tell everyone.

I am using structures covered in translucent (but not transparent) plastic, so they will not be visible from anywhere. So far, that's about all I've done -- and that was done for legal reasons and weather protection, primarily. There is no smell so far. A friend who lives about two miles away already had someone hop his fence and steel some buds, and they weren't even mature yet. Just got me thinking.
Well driveway alarms are a good cheap alert system. Set up several around the parameter of your girls. Also trip wires. A few horse shoe stakes and some 50lb fishing line tied between them would cause someone creeping through in the dark to fall on their faces. But driveway alarms for sure. If you can get a dog then train the dog to go bonkers when the alarm goes off.
All good suggestions. There seem to be two categories, prevention and detection. Barbed wire, dogs, growing in a locked chain link cage (like a dog run with a top) are all prevention, and some may happen next year if this year turns out to be an issue. Sensors, cameras, geese, security lighting -- assume that the people will run if they are obviously detected.

The thing is, if I catch someone, I'm not sure what I would/could do (and I am unemployed, so I'm home most of the time). I'm not young or strong enough to be intimidating, so my presence is not a deterrent. Basically the laws don't seem to give us any recourse against thieves.

One local guy I saw online put up motion sensor security lights, cameras, and a full-blown loud speaker system. If he sees someone in his yard it turns into daylight with god speaking at you. Yeah... my wife won't go for that.

Someone across the street from me has an indoor. Periodically I'll see the skylights on their roof open up, and the smell of weed fills the air (I assume its during the last week or so, and while they are drying their harvest). If their indoor is that noticeable, my outdoor is going to be unmistakable. I won't tell anyone, but the plants are going to tell everyone.

I am using structures covered in translucent (but not transparent) plastic, so they will not be visible from anywhere. So far, that's about all I've done -- and that was done for legal reasons and weather protection, primarily. There is no smell so far. A friend who lives about two miles away already had someone hop his fence and steel some buds, and they weren't even mature yet. Just got me thinking.
As far as smell goes, I'm sure your not going to be the only one growing in your hood, I'm sure many will be growing around you, the air will be filled with the reek of marijuana.
Driveway sensors are great. I have 4 units=4 eyes and 4 alarms. All 4 eyes placed in the grow area guarding the boarders. 1 alarm in the bedroom, 1 alarm in the living room, and 2 alarms outside in the garden on opposite sides of the yard. If someone is sneaking in your yard looking to thief your shit and they hear those alarms going off, they'll be running for their lives! They even have alarms with different chimes so you know where the threat is coming from.
IMHO nothing beats a good dog.
Hope this helps,
Put plants in permanently if you can, security plants....all they need is water....

Berries, nettle, Hawthorne's.....
Be careful though. If you rig something up that hurts or kills someone it will be your ass, not theirs. It's tempting, but not a good idea. You may be able to shoot them though, if you catch them in the act. Obviously that varies from state. But, you're probably covered using deadly force to protect what's yours. USA! USA! USA! But you can't rig up deadly booby-traps. legally
Be careful though. If you rig something up that hurts or kills someone it will be your ass, not theirs. It's tempting, but not a good idea. You may be able to shoot them though, if you catch them in the act. Obviously that varies from state. But, you're probably covered using deadly force to protect what's yours. USA! USA! USA! But you can't rig up deadly booby-traps. legally

Oregon does not have the Castle Doctrine. I don't believe that even states that do, allow you to shoot someone for stealing from you or for trespassing, without some reference to your life being in immanent danger (mostly the castle doctrine says that you are not required to flee, some states say you can only use deadly force as a last resort, after you've tried everything else including fleeing...). If I could legally shoot someone simply for trespassing, there would be no need for this thread.
Oregon does not have the Castle Doctrine. I don't believe that even states that do, allow you to shoot someone for stealing from you or for trespassing, without some reference to your life being in immanent danger (mostly the castle doctrine says that you are not required to flee, some states say you can only use deadly force as a last resort, after you've tried everything else including fleeing...). If I could legally shoot someone simply for trespassing, there would be no need for this thread.
except Texas.....:roll:


Been my solution.
Very intelligent and family oriented dog, will give its life for you without question.. if set on a chase, will continue till it catches you or collapses even if not trained to do so. Ive had pits and whatever. Pinschers are where its at

But ive only really grown on my ranch in west tx, which is 10's of thousands of acres. Literally every direction as far as you can see and never had to worry

And i just picked a gun, you may want a rifle..but you can get one of those^ for $3-400 .45 acp
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If you go the sensor and alarm route . You want to put your sensors at the perimeter of your property ......you want to be alerted as soon as anyone sets foot on your property . Not when they get close to your garden,..!
For medical or recreational growers where its legal, I'm wondering what (if anything) you do to try and prevent people from steeling your buds once they start to ripen?

I suppose the laws are different everywhere for what you can legally do to stop a thief on your property in general. I just have a feeling that if you called the police to report that someone stole your pot plants, even though they are legal here, they might hold back the laughter but they are not going to take out a pen and write anything down.

I live in a decent neighborhood, but on a relatively busy street next to a bus stop. This being my first outdoor, and knowing I could lose plants to bugs or mold, I went for the full six plants my medical status allows to make sure I get something out of the grow. They are all pretty healthy, actually doing much better than I had expected, so come September everyone within I would assume a fairly broad radius of my house will know there are pot plants behind my fence.

So I'm looking ahead, because that's sometimes easier than looking back and regretting. Anything you would suggest I do to keep them safe? What would you do if you caught people/a person in the act of stealing your plants?

Actually the police will and have to respond. They have to treat it just like a burglary and usually treat it worse.
I couldnt find the full episode and this video kinda sucks but it shows sacramento police getting stolen plants back!

Motion sensors, cameras, barbed/razor wire and big dogs is what i prefer over the police...